WOD: Monday

A huge congratulations to all of our athletes that competed and represented Coastal CrossFit over the weekend – Deb, Lou, Mark, Lloyd, Grant. Thank you to those that supported and Andy for photography during the Fittest 3.

“CrossFit Total”
Sum of best 3 attempts of:
Back Squat
Strict Press

*Attempt each lift 3 times. The weight must increase after each successful attempt at each movement.
The weight may not be decreased after the first attempt. A failed rep counts as an attempt. Take Back Squat and Strict Press from the rack.

Strict 40minute time cap.

Photo: Three Stoogers- Grant, Lloyd & Mark- Before and after Fittest 3. Still smiles and still all friends 😀
A huge thank you to Andy @photomonkey for capturing the day. xo

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