WOD: Wednesday

Please note – Due to huge attendance we have added a 6:30am class to our schedule for the week.

EMOM x 10:
'X' Row 
Rest 1 minute 
EMOM x 10
'X' Toes to bar 
Rest 1 minute 
EMOM x 10
'X' Dumbbell Push Press 

*Athletes will start on various EMOMs and work through.
*Choose calories and reps and maintain across all rounds.

Home workout:
Tabata (8 rounds of 20seconds work/10 seconds rest)
1. Double-unders or Shuttle Runs
2. Strict Sit-ups
3. Push-ups
*Record total repetitions for each movement. Total of 12 minutes work (including rest).

Photo: Deb – Inspiration Award.

An individual who provides inspiration to peers by challenging themselves towards greater functionality health and fitness and towards leading their best life. This year’s Inspiration award goes to Deb McGrath.

From day/day within the gym, Deb pushes boundaries, aims towards being the best she an be. Encouraging others to sign up and compete at various competitions. Your dedication shows no boundaries Deb. Keep up your great work!!

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