WOD: Wednesday

A. Choose an option:
1. EMOM x ‘X’
2. 5 x Max effort Gymnastic pull (2 minutes rest)
3. For time: 30 Muscle-ups or 100 Pull-ups (10 minute cap)

B. EMOM ascend as far as possible:
Min 1: 2 Burpees, max kettlebell swings
Min 2: 4 Burpees, max kettlebell swings
Min 3: 6 Burpees, max kettlebell swings
… Continue with format.
Add 2 Burpees each minute until you fail to get onto the kettlebell.
*Score is total number of kettlebell swings completed. Record rounds for comparison.

Photo: Welcome back Sam. It is great to have you back with us. Xo

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