WOD: Thursday

Correction: The first workout of the Open will be released at 11.00am today.

Complete 5 rounds of:
Pendlay Row 5-5-5-5-5
*Superset with a 400m Row
*Rest as necessary between rounds.

*CrossFit Open competitors are welcome to come in and work skills or recovery in lieu of the WOD.

It’s rare that someone features on the site two days in a row, but I think a first Muscle-up warrants it!




  • No Cross Gender Competition!

    If you are a male (Gavin), you must compete in the male competition even if your heart tells you that you would be much more at home in the female category.

  • March 7, 2013


    Well, it’s all part of my strategy Chris! Last year I was smashed in the men’s division so I thought I would give the girls a go this year. Probably get flogged this year as well!
    Love Gavin xox

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