WOD: Wednesday
AMRAP in 30 minutes:
10 x 10m Shuttle Runs
50m Farmers Carry 2 x 24/16kg
50 Single skips
50m Overhead carry 20/15kg Plate
AMRAP in 30 minutes:
10 x 10m Shuttle Runs
50m Farmers Carry 2 x 24/16kg
50 Single skips
50m Overhead carry 20/15kg Plate
A. Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk
*This session will allow novice lifters time to learn and develop technique, and give advanced lifters time to practice.
B. Max repetition burpees in 5 minutes.
Photo: Leigh – 60 years young!!
How many 60 year olds do you know that challenge themselves physically and mentally? Thank you for always bringing a laugh and showing us all that age is just a number.
Advance as far as possible in 20minutes:
3 Wallball 9/6kg
3 Deadball over shoulder 30/20kg
Run 180m
*Increment wallball and deadball by 3 reps each round.
Photo: Jenny. So proud of this lady. Increasing her attendance, resulting in improved confidence and abilities. Her squats are her best improvement. Keep up your great work- you are getting better every day!!!
A. 10 minutes to work to a heavy Hang Power Clean.
B. Three cycles of:
EMOM x 5 minutes
Hang Power Cleans (unbroken)
Rest 1 minute between cycles.
*Hold weight during each cycle. Increment weight during the rest break.
Warm-up load – moderate weight – heavy weight.
A. Back Squat (5-3-1) (Cycle 3: Week 3)
75% x 5
85% x 3
95% x 1+
*Reminder- during cycle 4 we have added 15kg to our 1RM, and use 90% of this for our percentages.
B. Two rounds for time of:
25 Single Dumbbell overhead squats (Right arm)
25 Sit-ups
25 Single Dumbbell overhead squats (Left arm)
25 Sit-ups
Optional ROMWOD in place of part B.
Ascend for 20 minutes:
Run 100m
30 sec Plank
10 Double-unders
*Increase Double-unders by 10 reps each round.
Five rounds, each for time of:
25 Cal Bike
20 Dumbbell Hang Snatch 22.5/15kg
15 Pull-ups
Rest as necessary between rounds.
*Advanced athletes scale to Chest to bar or strict pull-ups.
“The Chief”
AMRAP in 3 min.
3 Power Clean 60/40kg
6 Push-ups
9 Squats
*Repeat for a total of five, 3 minute cycles.
*Rest 1 min. between cycles.
Compare to last time here
Saturday’s WOD is inspired by 2018 CrossFit Games WOD: CHAOS.
Athletes will not know the duration, number of events, movements or repetitions to be completed- so be prepared for anything.
The weather is forecast to be sunny (fingers crossed).
NOTE# Please book in for the WOD early so I know if I need to add an additional session.