
WOD: Friday

Four cycles for max reps/calories:
1 min. Toes to Bar
1 min. Row
1 min. Box Step-over 20/20 kg weight plate
1 min. Bike

* 35 minute cut-off
* Complete in any order.
* Rest as necessary between efforts.

Open Gym (4pm-5pm): Handstand holds and walks with Gill.
Be sure to book in via Mindbody.

Photo: Andrew- Our very first CrossFit client (along with his wife Chantal). 12 years of love and loyalty. Thank you Andrew and Chantal for everything you bring to our community and everyone around you. xoxo

WOD: Thursday

A. Back Squat
75% x 5
85% x 3
95% x 1+

*All percentages are based off 90% of 1RM.
Be sure to know your squat numbers prior to coming in.

B. Partner workout.
200 Dumbbell Snatch for time.
*One partner must hold a plank while the other works.
*Share repetitions anyhow.

Photo: Kimberley and Elyse sharing some love. The joy of training – sharing in one another’s efforts and achievements.
The little wins along the way make the journey…. “FUN”.

WOD: Wednesday

Five rounds of:
Seated strict dumbbell press 8-10 reps
Pull-ups 8-10 reps

* Choose weight and pull movement (add weight if necessary) to allow you to remain inside the 8-10 repetitions for each movement.
* Rest as necessary between movements.

WOD: Tuesday

We are excited to have Gillian coaching at 9:15am and the pm sessions on Tuesday’s and Friday’s. Welcome on board Gill!!

Three rounds for time of:
25 Burpees
50 Wallball 9/6kg
150 Double-unders

Photo: Chloe’s ANZAC Day was made meeting Kara web during 2-up.


Reminder we are closed Monday for the ANZAC Day public holiday.

WOD: Saturday

With ANZAC Day in mind we are running a hero WOD “Murph”

8am- Rope climbing technique

Run 1.6km
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
Run 1.6km

Complete as an individual, partner or team.
Options for participation will be provided at the box.

WOD: Friday

Please ensure you book in via Mindbody for all sessions.

#Open Gym: Rope climbing clinic- bring long socks.

Advance as far as possible in 12 minutes:
10 Snatch 47.5/30kg
10 Snatch 55/35kg
10 Snatch 62.5/40kg
10 Snatch 70/45kg

WOD: Thursday

A. Bench Press
5 x 8-10 repetitions

B. For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Burpees

*10 minute cut-off
* Partition repetitions anyhow
* Each repetition is worth 1 point.

Photo: Taz leading the Demolition Crew through their team chant. Sticking with the military theme all the way!!!

WOD: Wednesday

A. Spend 10 minutes working towards quality dumbbell overhead squats. B. Increment as far as possible in 10 minutes: 5 Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15kg 15 Double-unders *Increment reps by 5/15 each round. Photo: Bec & Travis. Date day at the box- nothing better!!