
WOD: Monday

A. Back Squat 10-10-10

B. Three rounds for time:
10 Cleans 60/40kg
10 Front rack lunge 60/40kg
Run 360m

Photo: Russ is currently sporting a 1930’s Robber Baron moustache, for Movember, which highlights mens mental health and suicide prevention, among other issues.
In 2023, there were 2419 male deaths by suicide in Australia. Approximately 75% of all suicides are men.
If you would like to donate to a great cause please use the link DONATE HERE

WOD: Saturday

Join Luke at 7am or 8am. Please ensure you have booked into Mindbody.

Team Workout – In teams of 3

A. Max meters in 20 minutes:
B. Max meters in 20 minutes:
Echo bike/Dead hang

Score: Row + Echo/2.5 = Total

P1 on machine, P2 on static movement, P3 on Rest.
Rotate P3 machine, P1 static movement, P2 Rest
Rotate P2 machine, P3 static movement, P1 Rest

Static movement must be held to accumulate meters. Swap as often as you like. Must maintain order of rotation.

Photo: Russ & Lexi. Couples that train together make me happy!!!
We call this date day – hopefully everyday.

WOD: Friday

OPEN GYM 4pm & 5pm: ROPE CLIMB TECHNIQUE – The perfect time to dial in your skills. Especially for those that hit rope climbs for the first time on Saturday.

A. Power Snatch Technique (For quality build up to 80% of 1RM)

B. Increment as far as possible in 10 minutes:
1 Bar Muscle-up (2-3-4-5-6…)
2 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15kg (4-6-8-10-12…)
Run 180m

*Scale: Choose the most difficult repeatable gymnastics pull.

Photo: A simple yet beautiful photo that represents so much – the support of two best mates competing in a sport they love. Coming across this one today, it bought tears to my eyes.
I have so much love and respect for both of these beautiful men and are so grateful they came into our lives- Brad & Greggy.
Thank you @Granttakesphotos for capturing this moment and so many more.

WOD: Thursday

A. Front Squat (From ground)

B. Three rounds for time:
30 Wallball 9/6kg *
90 Double-unders

*Advanced athletes aim for unbroken efforts.

Photo: Will there be a new crowned champion for the Fish Game in 2024? Luka has just taken the TOP SPOT with a score of 1980. Time is ticking if you want to be one only one wearing this prestigious hat.

WOD: Wednesday

A. EMOM x 7
Tempo Gymnastic Push (Push-up/Dip/Handstand Push-up)
Timing from top of repetition 3-3-0 = 3 seconds top + 3 second decent + dynamic up. Advanced athletes add pause in the bottom of repetition.

B. 20 minutes:
Run 360m (Slow)
Run 360m (Fast)
*Aim to maintain consistency through fast pace runs (5 second spread)
*Use slow run as recovery but do not walk.

Fast athletes (5 rounds – 3600m)
Intermediate (4 rounds – 2880m)
Beginner (3 rounds – 2160m)
*Use data from last week and aim to improve.

WOD: Tuesday

A. Deadlifts 5-5-5-5-5

B. Five rounds for time:
9 Deadlifts 85/60kg
12 Toes to bar
15 Box Jumps 24″/20″

WOD: Monday

A. Clean & Jerk Technique
5 minutes (Light load)
Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk
5 minutes (Moderate load)
Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk
10 minutes (Increment)
Clean & Jerk (Any style)

B. Partner workout:
Four rounds for time:
7 Clean & Jerk
14 Burpees
*P1 starts on C&J other on burpees then swap.

Photo: We are so excited to have our beautiful friends Rob, Kimberley , Lara & Hannah back from Canada (even if it is a short time).

WOD: Saturday

For east of logistics (Rope Climbs) it would be ideal to have numbers spread across both sessions.
If you are able to make the 8am session please do so.

A. Rope Climb technique

B. Option 1.
5 Rounds for time:
1-2 Rope Climb
15/10 Strict Dip/Push-ups
Run 180m

Option 2: Technique focus
16 minutes for quality:
Minute 0-1: 1 Rope Climb *Scaling Options provided
Minute 1-2: 10 Gymnastic Push
Minute 2-3: Run 180m
Minute 3-4: Rest

Photo: Congratulations to our beautiful girl on her year 12 graduation/formal. So excited to see where your next adventure takes you. Xoxo

WOD: Friday

OPEN GYM: From 4pm with Luke.
We are trialing Open gym for Friday afternoon sessions.
This provides greater flexibility as you do not need to be there for the entire hour. I.e. you may come in for a short workout anytime in the allocated time slot.
During this time Luke will run a Toes to Bar development session, or complete the daily WOD or practice/develop skills of your choice. Please ensure you have booked in via Mindbody.

Four rounds:
0-1:30: ‘X’ Gymnastic pull (dynamic)*
1:30-3:00: 5 Wall Walks/ or 3 x 1Wall walk + 2 Strict Handstand Push-ups.
3:00-4:30: 15-20 Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
4:30-6:00: 75 Double-unders or 50 Drag rope double-unders

*Note: Choose a dynamic gymnastic pull allowing for minimum of 6+ repetitions. Ring Muscle-ups/Bar Muscle-ups/Chest to bar pull-ups/Pull-ups/Ring Row.

*Advanced athletes complete more difficult option/higher volume and aim for unbroken repetitions for movements.

Photo: We are excited to announce that Chloe has completed her Cert III in Fitness and her CrossFit Level 1 course. She will be developing her coaching skills for both adult sessions and kids sessions over the next while. We thank you all for encouraging her on her fitness and coaching journey.

WOD: Thursday

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for load:
Bench Press
Front Squats
*Choose a different weight for each movement and maintain load throughout all repetitions. All reps must be completed unbroken.

Compare to last time here

Scale: Technique focus- For Quality
7 sets x 5 reps
Bench Press (or Dumbbell Bench)
Deadlift (or Sumo Deadlift)
Front Squats (or Goblet squats/Air Squats)

Photo: Saturday beach WOD. A great morning with the best crew.