WOD: Friday
Run 180m
5 Front Squats (taken from the ground)
*16.40 cut-off. Go as heavy as the cut off allows.
Photo: Luke B. So proud of our crew Lachie, Josh & Luke competing at their first CrossFit comp. They have come back in with some extra ?. Looking forward to being a part of their progression.
WOD: Thursday
21-15-9 reps of:
Hang Power Snatch 40/30kg
Toes to bar
Rest 5 min.
9-15-21 reps of:
Toes to bar
Hang Power Snatch 40/30kg
Photo: Nina & Paula smashing partner burpees during the team challenge.
WOD: Wednesday
Min 1. Bent over row (8-10 reps)
Min 2. HSPU/Dips/Push-ups (8-12 reps)
B. Five rounds on a 3 minute cycle:
Row 400m or Run 360m *
*Aim to hold a solid but consistent pace on all rounds. Eg. Not more than a 10 second spread across rounds.
*Aim to improve on your last effort previous results here.
Photo: Congratulations to Tanya R receiving her 1000 CLUB shirt. Awesome work!!!
WOD: Tuesday
Hang Clean Pull + Hang Power Clean+ Hang Clean Pull + Hang Squat Clean*
* Build in weight or work on technique
B. Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3
Photo: Saturday team challenge. The race was real.
500/750/1000/1500 CLUB
WOD: Monday
12 Thrusters 50/35kg
15 Pull-ups
60 Double-unders
Photo: Team Challenge morning. So great to have our community together facing adversity and overcoming. Great team work all around.
WOD: Saturday
Change of schedule.
Reminder Nutrition session with Mark is on at 7:00am at BFreshThere is no 7am workout
TEAM Challenge- 8am
We will allocate teams on the day. Bring a smile and a great attitude. This is a community morning and all teams will be mixed abilities.
“Unknown & Unknowable”
For time:
Team carry around the canal.
*Additional activities reveled throughout the course.
*Movements and repetitions can be shared anyhow between members within specifications of the rules.
*All team members must be at the station for work to commence.
Over the course, four stations activity stations were reveled-
1. 350 Supine Row
2. 1000 Step-ups
3. 1000 Thrusters
4. 300 Burpees (over planking partner)
BBQ- From 9am
Bacon and egg burgers (just bring yourselves)
Photo: Josh hitting a personal best Clean of 100kg. Thanks to Andy for the photos.
WOD: Friday
For time:
1080m Run
63 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
36 Pull-ups
720m Run
42 Kettlebell Swings
24 Pull-ups
360m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings
12 Pull-ups
Photo: Chloe mid broadjump. Thanks to Andy Holt for the photos.
WOD: Thursday
Clean Waves:
80-85-90% (x 3)
*Rest as necessary between lifts.
Tabata Row
Photo: Lloyd putting in the hard yards for his team. Thanks to Andy for photo.