
WOD: Friday

A. Turkish Get-up
Work to a heavy single per side.
*Any object: dumbbell, kettlebell or barbell.

B. EMOM X 10 minutes:
Min 1. Max Deadball over shoulder*
Min 2. Rest
* Choose your own load - heavy but allows for consistent movement.

Photo: Barb. One of our strongest women in the box. Always encouraging us to challenge ourselves. Thank you for always wanting the best for everyone.

WOD: Thursday

A. Death by Toes to bar.

B. For time:
30 Dumbbell Push Press
50 Sit-ups
20 Dumbbell Push Press
35 Sit-ups
10 Dumbbell Push Press
20 Sit-ups

Photo: Nina. It is always great seeing progression but even better when progression is quality of movement in an overhead squat. The "Queen/King" of squats - improvement will stem into every other movement. Flexibility, co-ordinator, core & shoulder strength, core & shoulder stability. What's not to love!!!

WOD: Wednesday

Advance as far as possible in 20 minutes:
Run 180m
30 Alternating lunges
2 X Hang Power Cleans 60/40kg *

*Increment Hang Power Cleans by 2 reps per round.
* Hang Power Cleans must be completed unbroken to count.

Photo: Luke B. One of the most determine athlete withing the gym. He works hard every single session and aims for constant improvement. You will often see him doing extra after a session to try to refine his movement. It is so awesome to be a part of his journey.

WOD: Tuesday

A. Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5
B. In groups of 2-3:
Row max metres in 12 minutes.

Photo: Mike- This power house is getting stronger. Well done on all of your health and fitness achievements. I love this photo!!!

WOD: Monday

A. Gymnastic pulling complex:
7-10 sets: 1 Pull-up + 1 C2B Pull-up + 1 Bar Muscle-up
*The above is an example, easier and harder options will be available.
*Rest as necessary between sets.

B. Two rounds for time of:
40 Burpees
100 Double-unders

*Photo: Rob M applying his fitness outside of the gym!

WOD: Saturday

For time:
30 Overhead squats 50/35kg
Run 1080m (3 X 360m)
30 Front Squats 50/35kg

*During the squats the bar must be snatched/cleaned from the ground every five repetitions

WOD: Friday

A. Five super sets:
Seated dumbbell shoulder press 8-10 reps
Pendlay row 8-10 reps

*Choose your weight that allows for 10 repetitions on the first round.


WOD: Thursday

AMRAP in 30 minutes of:
Run 560m
15 Toes to bar
9 Deadball over the shoulder 45/30kg

Photo: A little ray of sunshine – Nata.