
WOD: Friday

A. AMRAP in 12 minutes:
3 Wall Walks
15 Hang Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15kg *
30 Double-unders
*Advanced athletes heavier dumbbell/drag rope.

B. Optional:
EMOM x 10 minutes:
3 Strict pull-ups *
*Advanced athletes add weight.

Photo: Congratulations to all the athletes that achieved personal best on their Front Squats. Consistency is key!!

WOD: Thursday

A. Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5 (Block 4, Week 2 RETEST)

B. Three efforts each for time:
Row/Ski Erg 500m or
Bike 1000m
*Rest as necessary between efforts. Score: Fastest and slowest and total work time.

Photo: Thank you @BarryHarden and @sunshinecoastweightlifting for your constant support of Chloe. It is so awesome to have a club supporting/inspiring so many young girls taking up weightlifting. Thank you all for tuning in to watch Chloe.

WOD: Wednesday

We had the most amazing trip but are so happy to home and can’t wait to see you all in the box.
A huge thank you to our amazing coaches who made it possible for us to have this time away, and for you all for your understanding with timetable changes. I have missed you all!!!

Chloe will be lifting tomorrow at 3:30pm and will be streamed at the CWF Website – or Youtube .

Five rounds for time:
15 Dumbbell Shoulder to overhead 2×22.5/15kg
12 Chest to bar pull-ups
9 Deadball over shoulder 45/35kg

*Weight selection should allow for mostly unbroken efforts.

WOD: Tuesday

A. Handstand skills (10 minutes)

B. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time:
Dumbbell Bench Press *
Wall Ball x 2
Run 180m

WOD: Monday

Please note: 9:15am session is cancelled. All other sessions will run as usual.

A. Power Clean + Hang Clean (Squat or Power) 1+1
*Increment in load

B. AMRAP in 10 minutes:
5 Power Cleans 80/55kg *
10 Toes to Bar

*Heavy repeatable singles

Photo: Chloe has completed her first solo international trip from USA to Fiji. From the CrossFit Teen Games to Commonwealth Weightlifting Championships. What a year!!! Thank you everyone for your ongoing support 💖💖

WOD: Saturday

Partner Workout: Partner A/Partner B
For max load lifted:
A. Run 360m
B. Deadlift
A. Deadlift
B. Run 360m
3:00-4:00 Rest

A. Run 360m
B. Hang Cleans
A. Hang Cleans
B. Run 360m
7:00-8:00 Rest

A. Run 360m
B. Shoulder to Overhead
A. Shoulder to Overhead
B. Run 360m
11:00-12:00 Rest

A. Run 360m
B. Hang Cleans
A. Hang Cleans
B. Run 360m
15:00-16:00 Rest

A. Run 360m
B. Deadlift
A. Deadlift
B. Run 360m
19:00-20:00 Rest

*Choose a weight for each movement (both partners to lift the same load).
*Weights must be maintained for both sets of movement. Eg. Deadlift 50kg, Hang Clean 40kg, Shoulder to Overhead x 30kg, Hang Clean 40kg, Deadlift 50kg.
Score total load.

WOD: Friday

Every 4 minutes x 5 cycles:
Run 180m
1-2-3 Pull-up/Push-up/Squat
5-10-15 ….
Continue incrementing format throughout workout.
*Start 0-4-8-12-16minutes with 180m run, then continue where you left off on previous effort.

Photo: Another great welcome to the worldwide CrossFit community @hammercrossfit. Thankyou for making us feel welcome.

WOD: Thursday

A. Two rounds, each for time:
Row 500m

B. Two rounds, each for time:
Echo 1500m

C. Two rounds, each for time:
25 Burpees (Jump & Touch)

*35 minute cap
*Aim to maintain fastest/repeatable time for each element (less than 5 seconds spread between fastest and slowest)

WOD: Wednesday

A. Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 (BLOCK 4:Week 1: RETEST)
*Build to find your 5rep max

B. Three rounds for time:
50 Step-ups 24″/20″
35/25 Push-ups (Handstand Push-ups)

Photo: Congratulations to Nata for the successful premier of her first feature film – Nata wrote, produced and starred in. I wish I could have been there this special night. From all accounts your film and night has received 5⭐ reviews.

WOD: Tuesday

A. Turkish Get-ups x 3 per side
*Build in weight over 12 minutes.

B. EMOM x 10 minutes:
3/2/1 Wall Walks
10-1 Toes to bar

Format: Each minute, complete Wall Walks, straight into Toes to bar. Eg. 3 Wall walks + 10 Toes to bar in 1st minute. 3 Wall walks + 9 Toes to Bar in 2nd minute… Continue until completion.

Reduce Wall Walks – 3, 2 or 1 rep per minute
Reduce Toes to bar: 5-5-4-4-3-3-2-2-1-1
or maintain repeatable number of Toes to bar per round (Eg. 4 Toes to bar)