WOD: Wednesday
WOD: Tuesday
10 rounds for time of:
10 Thrusters 15/10kg DB’s
Run 100m
10 Toes to Bar
Run 100m
Rest 30 sec.
WOD: Monday
WOD: Saturday (Bring a friend)
Today’s is “Bring a Friend Day”. This is a great opportunity to bring your friends along to try out a session with us, meet our community and have some fun!!!
Team workout:
In teams of 3 or 4 complete the following:
2km Row
100 Burpees
100 Box step-over 20″ (20/15kg)
100 Ball Slams (20/12kg)
2km Run
*One person working at a time. Share work anyhow between team members.
Video: A huge thank you to Claudio for creating this video for Chloe as part of her 12th birthday present as a way of recording her CrossFit journey.
Bring a Friend Saturday
WOD: Friday
Push Jerk 30-20-10-5 reps.
*Each set is for load.
*Rest as necessary between sets.
*Yes they need to be unbroken.
WOD: Thursday
WOD: Wednesday
For time:
50 Cleans.
*Each rep must pass through parallel. If you are not proficient at a full clean, you may power clean + front squat.
Weight Guide:
Novice 40-60/20-30kg
Intermediate 60-80/30-55kg
Advanced: 80-100/55-70kg
*Don’t sell yourself short on the weight choice for this one. It is intended to be a long grind that tests you as much mentally as it does physically. As a guide, you should not be able to do touch and go reps at the weight you have chosen.