Note: Athletes have the opportunity to complete/repeat the OPEN workout. Remember dress-ups are encouraged for every OPEN workout!!!
For athletes that don’t wish to repeat the alternate workout is provided.
OPEN 25.1
AMRAP as possible in 15 minutes:
3 Lateral burpees over the dumbbell
3 Dumbbell hang clean to overhead
30ft Walking lunge (2 x 15ft)
Alternate workout:
AMRAP 20 minutes: Running Cindy
1 Round of Cindy (2-3-4-5-6-7…)
Run 200m (Front door out and back)
*Increase by 1 Cindy round, each round.
Cindy Round:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-up
15 Squats
Photo: Carlie has only just started with us completing her first OPEN workout on Saturday – Whooo hoooo!!!
Congratulations to all of our first timer OPEN athletes. We could not be prouder!!!
Our first time OPEN athletes: Craig, Ian, Blake, Laure, Jorja, Goody, Carlie, Izzy, Gail, Athalia, Swanny, Sue, Tim, Sam, Lachie, Lachie K.