WOD: Tuesday
WOD: Monday
HURSTY order- Wednesday 13th June
WOD: Saturday
WOD: Friday
WOD: Thursday
WOD: Wednesday
“Nasty Girls”
Three rounds for time of:
50 Squats
7 Muscle-ups
10 Hang Power Cleans 60/42.5kg
“Nasty Girls V2”
Three rounds for time of:
50 Pistols
7 Muscle-ups
10 Hang Power Clean 80/55kg
*Check out the attached video of this workout being performed at the original CrossFit gym in Santa Cruz. You might recognise Nicole Carol from the tips and tricks videos during the CrossFit Open.
WOD: Tuesday
A. Hang Muscle Snatch + Hang Power Snatch + Hand Snatch
*Progressively add weight moving through all three movements.
* Discard weaker movements as they become limiting.
B. Advance as far a possible in 10 minutes:
Unbroken double-unders
*Choose your own rep increment (1, 2, 5 or 10 reps)
* Repetitions must be unbroken to progress onto the next set.
Eg. 5-10-15-20-25. Repeat set until you have completed it unbroken to progress.