
WOD: Tuesday

A. Dumbbell Strict Press 5 x 8-10 reps
*Maintain load across

B. Five rounds for time:
10 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead *
15 Toes to Bar
Run 360m

Photo: End of Father & son training.

WOD: Monday

“The Chief”
Five, 3 minute AMRAPS of:
3 Power Cleans 60/40kg
6 Push-ups
9 Air Squats

Rest 1 minute after each AMRAP.
*Continuous count.

Photo: Congratulations Sas on her awesome result and effort during the 7 rounds of Man Makers. Completing 15kg and taking the best result for the ladies. So pumped for you!!!

WOD: Saturday

Only the 7am session will run – join Luke, then…

Join us at 8:30am at CrossFit Contessa – for a WOD and Fundraiser Click here for details
We have 3 ladies from the Sunshine Coast: Sienna (14-15year – CrossFit Noosa), Rach (Masters – CrossFit Sisyphus ) & our very own Chloe heading to the CrossFit Games. Let’s celebrate their achievements and support them with a WOD and coffee.
A huge thank you to Amanda from CrossFit Contessa for organizing.

Partner relay
For time:
4 x 360m Run (YGIG x 2 each)
150 WallBall 9/6kg
4 x 360m Run (YGIG x 2 each)
360m Farmers Carry (2x16kg, 2x24kg) (Adv 2x24kg, 2 x 32kg)
4 x 360m Run (YGIG x 2 each)
80 Burpee Broadjumps (Burpee + 1m Broadjump)

*Share work anyhow

Photo: Grant & Danielle’s adventures in the USA before the CrossFit Games. Have an amazing time!! We are missing you. xo

WOD: Friday

Five sets of 7 cycles:
Dumbbell Manmaker
- Push-up, row (left), row (right), deadlift, bicep curl, strict press.
*Increment load to find your max for the complex.

WOD: Thursday

EMOM x 30 minutes:
Min 1: Row 200/180m, Echo 500/450m
Min 2: Max Shuttle Runs x 10m
Min 3: Rest
Min 4: Double-unders x 50
Min 5: Max Burpees
Min 6: Rest
*Advanced athletes scale up to Drag rope double-unders (30-50reps)
*Alternate between Row/Echo Bike

WOD: Wednesday

Please note: The 5:30pm will be coached until 6pm.

A. Five Supersets:
Bench Press 8-10 reps
Pendlay Row 10-12 reps
*Rest as necessary between rounds.
*Maintain weight across sets
Compare to last time here

B. Optional:
3 Rounds:
Max Push-ups
Max Ring Rows (Feet elevated)
*Rest between efforts.

Photo: Nata. Overhead squats X 5 @75kg.
Awesome work Nata!!

WOD: Tuesday


A. Overhead Squats 5-5-5-5-5 (Block 1: Week 3)

B. Five rounds for time:
20 Step-up 20"
20m Lunge
20 Goblet Squats
*Advanced athletes can add weight via weight vest or dumbbell. The goal is to maintain a continuous pace across all movements.

WOD: Monday


Three rounds for time:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)
12 Pull-ups

Compare to last time here

Photo: It takes a village to raise kids. We are so grateful for the village we have. Greg is an amazing role model for everyone. I am especially thankful that he has taken Jesse under his wing. Teaching him so much more than just boxing. Watching these two together fills my heart. Thank you Greggy. Xo

WOD: Saturday

Mindbody is having technical issues- both 7am & 8am sessions will be on.

Come and join us for a partner workout.

Photo: Shane (FIFO) always great having this guy in the box.