
WOD: Wednesday

Five round for reps:
Max Dumbbell Push Press (Guide 15+ reps first set)
Max Pull-ups/Ring Rows
Rest 3 minutes

*Choose a pull movement allowing for approx. same reps as push press on first round.

Photo: A shout out to Russ who completed the 10km run in the Rocky River Run over the weekend.

Russ and quite a crew completing the Sunshine Coast half marathon in the coming months. Add your name to the list if you are keen to challenge yourself.

WOD: Tuesday

Two rounds for max reps:
0-5 (2nd 14-19) minutes:
Echo Bike 2000/1800m
Max Burpees (onto plate)
Rest 2 minutes
*Complete 60second plank during rest

7-12 (2nd 21-26) minutes:
Row 750m/650m
Max Wallball 9/6kg
Rest 2 minutes
*Complete 45 second hollow hold during rest.

Photo: Lloyd (aka Eldo) in front on the sign at Titan Fitness Camp. I am still unsure if he has attended 😀

WOD: Monday

Five rounds for load:
“DT Complex”
12 Deadlift
9 Hang Cleans
6 Push Jerks
Run 400m

*Barbell movements must be completed as an unbroken complex.
* Increment/decrease or hold load as needed. Score is total load.
*30 minute time cap (average 6 minutes per cycle)

Eg. 40+45+50+50+52.5= 237.5kg

Photo: Stanley. The epitome of coachable – it is amazing to be a part of your journey and progression.

WOD: Saturday

Both 7am & 8am sessions are on tomorrow. 7am is currently full however space is available in the 8am session. Please book in via Mindbody.

Five rounds for time:
75 Double-unders
20 Toes to Bar
10 Deadball over shoulder*

*Choose a heavy but repeatable weight.

Photo: A shout out to Leiah.
For those that don’t know Leiah has owns @Sunny Vibes Pop-up Picnic .
To show your support – it would be great if you could like and share her Facebook page.

WOD: Friday

A. EMOM x 16 minutes:
Minute 1: 16 Barbell Front Rack Lunge (8 per side)
Minute 2: ‘X’ Muscle-ups/Strict Pull-ups

*Choose a heavy/repeatable weight and reps.

B. Two efforts:
1000m Run/Row/Ski Erg or 2000m Bike Erg, 2500m Echo
Rest 1:1

Photo: A shout out to this amazing athlete @Ella_McIntrye06 who joined us during the CrossFit Age Quarterfinals and Semifinals. It is always awesome to witness you throw down – nothing short of inspirational. Thank you once again for the perfect photos @GrantWilliamsPhoto.

WOD: Thursday

A. Turkish Get-up x 3 per side
*Build in weight over 10 minutes.

B. Partner workout:
Two rounds for time:
50 Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
100 x 7.5m Shuttle Runs

*One partner working at a time. Switch in/out as needed.

Video- Chloe at 12 years old set herself the goal of making it to the CrossFit Games by 2024. Since then she has worked towards her goal everyday with purpose, dedication and consistency. We could not be prouder of her efforts over the years and are so happy that the rewards have come her way.
Qualifying 10th Worldwide (unofficial until 28May) she will be heading to Michigan, USA for the Teen Games.

WOD: Wednesday

For time:
27-21-15-9 reps for time:
Dumbbell Thrusters (2 x15/10kg)

Photo: Michael displaying an Irish jig over the dumbbell. This man has been on fire- most recently representing Qld at the Masters League competition.
A doctor who understands and practices the foundations of good health. What an inspiration!!!

WOD: Tuesday

For time:
9 Hand release Push-ups
100m Run
15 Hand release Push-ups
200m Run
21 Hand release Push-ups
400m Run
21 Hand release Push-ups
400m Run
15 Hand release Push-ups
200m Run
9 Hand release Push-ups
100m Run

Photo: We are so blessed to be a part of Chloe’s support crew. Thank you again @GrantWilliamsPhoto.
Note: Chris and I didn’t mean to wear matching shirts ;D

WOD: Monday

“The Other Total”
0-10 minutes:
1 Rep Max Clean
10-20 minutes:
1 Rep Max Bench Press
20-30 minutes:
1 Rep Max Overhead Squat

Beginner: 3 rep Max across each movement.

Photo: Jesse mid flight Ring Muscle-up. Thank you @GrantWilliamsPhotos for once again capturing so many moments and memories. The kids are so lucky to have their own personal photographer 😀
What a couple of weeks we have had. Quarterfinals and now in the midst of Semi finals. We could not be prouder of Chloe, Jesse & Ella who have and continue to work so hard. After lodgment of the first 2 workouts Chloe is sittings in 11th, Ella in 23rd & Jesse in 52nd Worldwide. Watch this space!!!

WOD: Saturday

Both 7am & 8am sessions are running. Please book in via Mindbody.

Join us for a surprise workout.

Photo: The calm before the storm. Thank you @grantwilliamsphotos