Goal Setting
WOD: Thursday
Partner workout
For time:
Run 400m (together)
18 Muscle-ups / (36 Chest to bar pull-ups/Pull-ups)
Run 400m
15 Muscle-ups / (30 Chest to bar pull-ups/Pull-ups)
Run 400m
12 Muscle-ups / (24 Chest to bar pull-ups/Pull-ups)
Partners run 400m together and share muscle-ups reps as desired, running an additional 200m after each person has taken an attempt.
WOD: Wednesday
Seven rounds for load:
7 Bench Press *
50m Deadball carry *
2 minute rest
*Choose heavy loads based upon a heavy set of 10 reps for Bench.
*Efforts should be unbroken for both bench and carry.
WOD: Tuesday
Warm-up: Technique focus – Snatch
3 Position Snatch – High Hang > Hang (above knee)> Ground + 3 Overhead Squats
A. Five cycles:
Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + Overhead Squat
Build in load to maximum of 50/35kg, then maintain.
B. Work to a 1RM Snatch (Any style)
Photo: Mark & Bernie. Throw a game into the mix and watch men turn into little boys 😊 This is the best!!!
WOD: Monday
A. Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5
*Working on eggshells
B. AMRAP in 15 minutes:
5 Deadlift 100/70kg
10 Burpees over barbell
Run 100m
Photo: Danielle – one of my favourites. Thank you @GrantWilliamsPhotos
WOD: Saturday
Aiming for minimum of 5 cycles:
In teams of 3, rotate through the following:
1. Front Rack Carry (barbell) 2 x 15m
2. Farmers Carry 4 x 15m
3. Sandbag/Deadball Carry (In Front of Body) 4 x 15m
*P1 completes all carries as a sprint effort. P2, P3 rest, then P2 completes all carries, P1, P3 rest.
* Goal is to choose weights that are heavy/repeatable for each movement (only resting while partners work).
* Mandatory put down at turn around for Front rack & Farmers carry.
WOD: Friday
Strict pull-ups 3/2
Goblet lunge 6
Double-unders 24
Rest 1 minute between efforts
WOD: Thursday
A. Five cycles:
Dumbbell Complex:
Push-up>Single arm row (left + right)>Deadlift>Hang Muscle Clean>Strict Press*
*Perform max rounds, incrementing the push-up by 1 rep on each round.
B. Options
Run 3.2km (Canal loop), or 2km Run (Weir & back)
WOD: Thursday
Five cycles:
Push-up>Single arm row (Left + Right)> Deadlift>Muscle Clean>Strict Press*
*Perform max rounds, incrementing the push-up by 1 rep on each round.
Rest as necessary between cycles
B. Optional
Run 3.2km or 2km
Photo: Our big boy Jesse hitting 105kg on Bench Press.