
WOD: Friday

For time:
150 Double-unders
100 Lunges (22.5/15kg Dumbbell)*
75 Toes to Bar
100 Lunges (22.5/15kg Dumbbell)
150 Double-unders

*Weight held anyhow.

Photo: Congratulations and wishing Jesse all the best as he achieves his dream of becoming a Fire Fighter. Awesome work!!!

WOD: Thursday

AMRAP in 8 minutes:
10 Overhead Squats 40/30kg
10 Chest to bar pull-ups

Rest 5 minutes

AMRAP in 8 minutes:
10 Power Cleans 40/30kg
10 Hand release Push-ups *

*Advanced athletes HSPU

WOD: Wednesday

Thank you everyone for a wonderful welcome back!!

A. Five sets:
Strict Dumbbell Press 10-12 reps
Bent over row 10-12 reps (barbell)

B. EMOM x 10 minutes:
Min1: Max Devils Press
Min 2: 30 second plank

WOD: Tuesday

A. EMOM x 10 minutes
Snatch (Increment in load)
EMOM x 7 minutes:
1 Snatch (Heavy/repeatable – maintain load)

B. Partner workout:
YGIG, minute on/off
Row 3km
Bike 6km
Ski Erg 3km

Photo: Chloe’s support crew at @alpha_crossfit_

Easter weekend

We are closed for the Easter long weekend.

We will reopen on Tuesday.

Have a great weekend with family and friends.

Marie looks forward to seeing all of your smiling faces on Tuesday.

WOD: Thursday

Five rounds, each for time:
Row 400/350m
15 Burpees (Over Parallettes)

Compare last time here

WOD: Wednesday

A. Snatch (Power or Squat)
EMOM x 4 minutes:
1 Snatch every 20seconds (Light to moderate load)
Rest 1 minute
EMOM x 4 minutes:
1 Snatch every 30 seconds (moderate load)
Rest 1 minute
EMOM x 7 minutes:
1 Snatch every 60 seconds (increment to heavy)

B. Partner Workout:
For time:
100 Overhead Squats 50/35kg
*Bar must be returned to the ground every 5 repetitions.

*Click in the post to watch the follow up to yesterdays nutrition video.

WOD: Tuesday

EMOM x 30 minutes:
Min 1: Row 200/180m
Min 2: Max Shuttle Runs x 10m
Min 3: Rest
Min 4: Max Shuttle Runs x 10m
Min 5: Double-unders x 50
Min 6: Rest

*Advanced athletes may scale up to Drag rope double-unders (30-50 reps)

*Click on the post to watch this great video on nutrition.

WOD: Monday

A. Work to a heavy Clean & Jerk

B. AMRAP in 20 minutes:
1 Round of Cindy
Incrementing Squat Clean 60/40kg
*Complete 1 Clean on your 1st round, 2 on your 2nd round, etc.

“Cindy” round
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

WOD: Saturday

*Please note that there is a 7am & 8am class today.
0-2 minutes:
EMOM x 8:
1. 10 x 15m Shuttle Run
2. 10 x 10 Dumbbell Push Press 2 x 22.5/15kg
10-12 minutes:
EMOM x 8:
1. 10 x 15m Shuttle Run
2. 10 x 10 Dumbbell Push Press 2 x 22.5/15kg
20-22 minutes:
Toes to Bar
EMOM x 8:
1. 10 x 15m Shuttle Run
2. 10 x 10 Dumbbell Push Press 2 x 22.5/15kg
30-32 minutes:
Air Squats
The pull-ups, push-ups, toes to bar and air squats are the scored component of this workout. The EMOM is for completion.