
WOD: Tuesday

Warm-up: Technique focus – Snatch
3 Position Snatch – High Hang > Hang (above knee)> Ground + 3 Overhead Squats

A. Five cycles:
Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + Overhead Squat
Build in load to maximum of 50/35kg, then maintain.

B. Work to a 1RM Snatch (Any style)

Photo: Mark & Bernie. Throw a game into the mix and watch men turn into little boys 😊 This is the best!!!

WOD: Monday

A. Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5
*Working on eggshells

B. AMRAP in 15 minutes:
5 Deadlift 100/70kg
10 Burpees over barbell
Run 100m

Photo: Danielle – one of my favourites. Thank you @GrantWilliamsPhotos

WOD: Saturday

Aiming for minimum of 5 cycles:
In teams of 3, rotate through the following:
1. Front Rack Carry (barbell) 2 x 15m
2. Farmers Carry 4 x 15m
3. Sandbag/Deadball Carry (In Front of Body) 4 x 15m

*P1 completes all carries as a sprint effort. P2, P3 rest, then P2 completes all carries, P1, P3 rest.
* Goal is to choose weights that are heavy/repeatable for each movement (only resting while partners work).
* Mandatory put down at turn around for Front rack & Farmers carry.

WOD: Friday

Five x 3 minute AMRAP:
Strict pull-ups 3/2
Goblet lunge 6
Double-unders 24

Rest 1 minute between efforts

WOD: Thursday

A. Five cycles:
Dumbbell Complex:
Push-up>Single arm row (left + right)>Deadlift>Hang Muscle Clean>Strict Press*
*Perform max rounds, incrementing the push-up by 1 rep on each round.

B. Options
Run 3.2km (Canal loop), or 2km Run (Weir & back)

WOD: Thursday

Five cycles:
Push-up>Single arm row (Left + Right)> Deadlift>Muscle Clean>Strict Press*
*Perform max rounds, incrementing the push-up by 1 rep on each round.

Rest as necessary between cycles

B. Optional
Run 3.2km or 2km

Photo: Our big boy Jesse hitting 105kg on Bench Press.

WOD: Wednesday

Two rounds:
AMRAP in 3 minutes:
Echo 8/6 calories
6 Toes to bar

Rest 1 minute

Two rounds:
AMRAP in 3 minutes:
Row 8/6 calories
3 Wall walks

Rest 1 minute

Two rounds:
AMRAP in 3 minutes:
Shuttle Run 8 x 10m
Squats x 18

Rest 1 minutes

*Start 2nd round where you finished on your 1st.
Score = total reps for each AMRAP + Grand Tally.

Photo: Ash continuing to move from strength to strength. Thank you @GrantWilliamsPhotos

WOD: Tuesday

A. 3 x Power Clean & Jerk *
*Build to a heavy load (touch & go) allowing you to establish your load for Part B.

B. “Gwen”
15-12-9 reps for load:
Clean & Jerks (unbroken)
Rest as needed between sets.

*Score is the single load used for all three unbroken sets.

Pick a single weight with which to complete all 3 rounds of the prescribed number of repetitions of Clean-and-Jerks, unbroken. Touch and go at the floor only. Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul. No dumping. Use the same load for each set. Rest as needed between sets.

WOD: Monday

The turnout for our “Day for Greggy” was incredible! This is a small representation of the love and respect our community has for this wonderful man. Thank you, Greggy, for leading an amazing workout and sharing your words of wisdom with us. You have so much to offer, and we are truly honored that you chose to share it with our community.

A. Back Squats 2-4-6-8-10
*Choose your own load and maintain across all sets

B. Every 2:30, for 5 rounds:
Run 180m
Max Burpee Pull-ups

*Run at 0-2:30, 5:00, 7:30,10:00minutes.

Photo: “Day for Greggy” What a turn out. Unfortunately I didn’t get a group photo 🙁

WOD: Saturday

Join us at 7am to celebrate 75 years of Greggy.

On Tuesday January 14th, this remarkable man turns 75 years young, and he continues to inspire everyone lucky enough to know him. We are truly honored and grateful to have Greggy as a cherished part of our community—he’s one of a kind!

To mark this special milestone, we’re combining some of Greg’s favorite things (Training) and people.

“Greggy special”
Greggy will take the lead in running the session (with Marie as his trusty assistant). He’ll be sharing his experiences and words of wisdom—an opportunity you won’t want to miss!