
WOD: Friday

Partner Workout
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
75 calorie Echo (50 Stroke change over – each hand = 1 stroke)
100calorie Row (25 Stroke change over)
10 x (10 x 10m) Shuttle Runs (Alternating – 5 each)
*Alternate with your partner on each activity until all calories/runs have been completed.

Photo: Gail – one of our newest legends. Slotting straight into our CrossFit family. So great to have you with us. Thank you @GrantWilliamsPhotos

WOD: Thursday

A. 1 Strict Press + 3 Push Press + 5 Push Jerk
3 Push Press + 5 Push Jerk
5-5-5 Push Jerk

B. Tabata (8 rounds 20 seconds work/10 seconds rest)
Rest 1 minute
Calories (any machine)

Photo: Tilly. The best part of our job is seeing people achieve. Enjoy the journey…Thank you @GrantWilliamsPhotos

WOD: Wednesday

A. Turkish Get-ups x 2 (per side)

B. For time:
Run 860m
25 Hand release Push-ups
50 Single arm Overhead Lunge 22.5/15kg (25 per side)
25 Hand release Push-ups
Run 860m

*Advanced athletes: Dips

Photo: Caitlin getting stronger everyday. Thank you @grantwilliamsphotos

WOD: Tuesday

Technique focus:
A. 10 minutes (warm up weights):
1 Snatch + 3 Overhead Squats
B. 10 minutes:
1 Clean + 3 Front Squats

C. Incrementing ladder for 10 minutes:
Squat Clean 1-2-3-4-5-6… (60/40kg)
Run 100m

WOD: Monday

🎉 Happy New Year! 🎉
Let’s kick 2025 off the right way—it’s time to crush those goals! 💪 Coastal CrossFit is back to our full schedule, and we can’t wait to see you back in action. Let’s make this year your strongest yet! 🏋️‍♂️🔥

Note: If you are just starting back:
Start slow, focus on movement quality, and remember—showing up is the hardest part. Let’s set the tone for an amazing year! 🙌

Five rounds for time:
10 Dumbbell Bench Press
10 Strict Pull-ups
Run 360m

Photo: Mike “Magic” “12 Days of Christmas” photo courtesy of @GrantWilliamsPhoto

WOD: Saturday

Come and join Marie at 7am or 8am. Please book in via Mindbody.

Four rounds for time:
30m Double dumbbell overhead walk
Flexed arm hang 30 seconds
Run 180m
60m Farmers carry (dumbbells)
Front Support hold 30 seconds (rings)
Run 180m

WOD: Friday

It is awesome to see so many people back in the box. Looking forward to seeing you all.

For max reps in 20 minutes:
4 minutes: Max Row calories
Rest 1 minute
4 minutes: Max Deadball over shoulder
Rest 1 minute:
4 minutes: Shuttle Run x 15m
Rest 1 minute
4 minutes: Max Toes to Bar

Photo: Thank you @GrantWilliamsPhotos for this great photo of Chan – one of the best humans in the world 🌎

WOD: Thursday

We hope you all had a wonderful festive season – relaxed with friends/family and are now ready to kick off 2025 in a positive way!!!

Session times:
6:30am-8:00am & 4:30pm-6:00pm.
WOD commences at 6:30am & 4:30pm.
OPEN Gym available during each 1.5 hour time slot.

20 minute “Incrementing Cindy”
“Cindy” Round (1-2-3-4-5…)
Run 180m/100 skips (*Weather permitting)

“Cindy” round:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Photo: We are beyond excited to welcome Chloe Saliba to our CrossFit Kids & Teens Coaching Team!
Click here to read more.
Photo courtesy of @GrantWilliamsPhoto (one of my favourites).