
WOD: Tuesday

A. Technique focus:
1 Power Snatch + 2 Snatch Balance + 3 Overhead Squats

B. AMRAP in 12 minutes:
12 Overhead Squats 40/30kg
15 Toes to bar
50 Double-unders

WOD: Monday

Two rounds for total reps: In 2 minutes: Row 200m/180m Max reps Dumbbell Front Squats 22.5/15kg Rest 2 minutes In 2 minutes: Echo 500m/450m Max reps Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead 22.5/15kg Rest 2 minutes In 2 minutes: Row 200m/180mMax reps Dumbbell Thrusters 22.5/15kgIn 2 minutes: Echo 500m/450m Max reps Clean & Jerk 22.5/15kg Rest 2 minutes

WOD: Saturday

It is with sadness that Dob will coach his last session at Coastal CrossFit.
You are an amazing part of our community as an athlete, Coach and mostly a friend.
We wish Dob, Bronte & Theo all the best in their new adventures. You will always be part of the family and look forward to seeing you whenever we can.
Continue to do life your way – we know there is so many amazing experiences coming your way. We are grateful to have been a part of your journey. We love you!!!
Both 7am & 8am sessions are on. Be sure to book in.

*REMINDER: Our Coastal CrossFit Christmas Party starts at 6pm. We look forward to celebrating another great year with you. xoxo

In honor of Dob’s farewell he chose to run his favourite workout, in a partner variant:

For time:
1.6km Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1.6km Run

*Advanced athletes wear a weight vest.
As always multiple scaling options will be available.

WOD: Friday

Five rounds, each for time:
300m Row/750m Echo/600m Concept bike or ski erg
360m Run

Rest between efforts

Photo: Welcome to Dylan aka Swanny. It is great having you on board.

WOD: Thursday

Seven rounds for load:
6 Dumbbell Deadlift (single head touch)
6 Dumbbell Lunge (DB in hang) (3 per side)
6 Dumbbell Hang Muscle Clean
6 Dumbbell Shoulder to overhead

*Complete complex unbroken
Rest as necessary between rounds.

Photo: CrossFit Kids- Christmas style. 5 minutes to create their best Santa’s sleigh.
I think they nailed it!!!

WOD: Wednesday

Partner workout
Pyramid Pull & Run
2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2 Pull
Run 180m

P1: Completes pull movement
P2: Completes Run
Then swap
*Pull can be any style- Challenging but repeatable.
Ie. Muscle-ups, Chest to bar pull-ups, Pull-ups, etc.

Photo: As beautiful as her Mumma (Amie) we are so happy to have Athalia back with us.

WOD: Tuesday

A. Power Snatch (12 minutes)
Work technique then build towards a heavy single.

B. OPEN 24.1
For time:
21 Dumbbell Snatch (Arm 1)
21 Lateral Burpees over Dumbbell
21 Dumbbell Snatch (Arm 2)
21 Lateral Burpees over Dumbbell
15 Dumbbell Snatch (Arm 1)
15 Lateral Burpees over Dumbbell
15 Dumbbell Snatch (Arm 2)
15 Lateral Burpees over Dumbbell
9 Dumbbell Snatch (Arm 1)
9 Lateral Burpees over Dumbbell
9 Dumbbell Snatch (Arm 2)
9 Lateral Burpees over Dumbbell

Time cap: 15 minutes

RXD (Age 16-54) 22.5/15kg
Scaled (Age 16-54) 15/10kg
Masters 55+ 15/10kg
Scaled Masters 55+ 10/5kg

Check previous results here or here