
Spread Love & Hope this Christmas

 Spread the Love & Hope This Christmas! 

Every year, we come together as a community to share love and hope through a chosen charity. This year, we are proud to support IFYS (Integrated Family and Youth Service) for their incredible work in assisting children in foster care, families, and individuals in our community who are doing it tough. 💛

We are blessed to be part of such a giving and compassionate community, and this Christmas, we have the opportunity to share that blessing with others in need.

Through IFYS, we are collecting:
 Gift Cards
 And more!

Every little contribution makes a difference in bringing joy and hope to families during this special time of year. Click here to learn more.

 Drop-Off Location: Coastal CrossFit
 Donations Close: Sunday 15th December

Let’s come together to make this Christmas brighter for everyone. Share this post and help us spread the word! 

#ChristmasGiving #CommunityLove #SupportFamilies #SpreadHope

WOD: Monday

A. Five Supersets:
Bench Press 8-10 reps
Pendlay Row 10-12 reps
*Rest as necessary between rounds.
*Maintain weight across sets
Compare to last time here
*Note: If you were able to hold 10/12 reps on all sets last time, increase weight.

3 Rounds:
Max Push-ups
Max Ring Rows (Feet elevated)
*Rest between efforts.

WOD: Saturday

Join Luke at 7am & 8am. 7am is currently filled however spaces are available for 8am

Thank you to CrossFit The Stables (Fittest 3) for the following WOD.
In Teams of 3:
Lions Den – Part A
In a 15 minute window

Part A. Max Distance Row (Meters)

Part B. Max Reps Clean & Jerks in the following sequence.
50 reps @ Weight 1
40 reps @ Weight 2
30 reps @ Weight 3
20 reps @ Weight 4
Max reps @ Weight 5

*Every 3 minutes = 100m Run (any 2 athletes)
Part A & B will run simultaneously.

RXD 60/45kg – 70/50kg – 80/55kg – 90/60kg – 100/65kg
Intermediate 50/35kg – 60/40kg – 70/45kg – 80/50kg – 85/55kg
Scaled 40/25kg – 50/30kg – 60/35kg – 70/40kg – 75/42.5kg

Photo: We are grateful to be surrounded by the best humans around. Luke B- thank you for everything you do for our community ❤️🙏

WOD: Friday

A. Muscle-ups technique

B. EMOM x 5 rounds (24 minutes)
Min 1: ‘X’ Wall walks *
Min 2: ‘X’ Strict Gymnastic Pull
Min 3: Max calories any machine
2 Minutes rest

*Advanced athletes complete sequence as 1 Wall walk + 1 strict handstand push-up (repeat for ‘X’ reps)

Photo: Discipline: Consistently doing what you don’t want to do, but knowing it’s what you need to do.

WOD: Thursday

A. Back Squats 10-10-10
Check previous results here

B. AMRAP in 10 minutes:
10 Alternating single leg squats
10/7 Push-ups
15 Strict Sit-ups

WOD: Wednesday

A. Turkish Get-ups
Increase/hold load.

B. Choose one of the following:
Run 3.2km
Run 2km,
3 x 860m Run (each for time, on a 6 minute cycle)
Compare to last time here

* I encourage everyone to prioritize our running sessions. Those that have been attending these sessions are seeing their efforts pay off.

Photo: So proud of Caitlin completing her 1st CrossFit competition. Just the 1st of many.

WOD: Tuesday

A. EMOM x 7 minutes:
Toes to bar technique/progressions (3-5 reps)

B. Every 4 minutes for 5 rounds:
For time:
7 Thrusters 50/35kg
7 Toes to bar
10 Burpees
50 Double-unders
- Rest the remainder of each round

*Aim for unbroken thrusters & toes to bar.

Photo: Three Stooges - Eldo, JD & Timmy. What a team!! Great spending the day with you all. Xo

WOD: Monday

Five rounds for time:
Dumbbell Bench Press x 10 reps *
Sandbag carry x 100m *
Run 360m
*Choose weights that are heavy but repeatable.

Compare to last time here
*If you were sub 15 minutes last time- aim to increase weights on one or both elements.

Photo: Grant multi tasking 🥰

WOD: Saturday

Join Dob at 7am or 8am sessions. Let’s aim to spread numbers between the sessions. Please ensure you have booked in via Mindbody,

“Partner Chipper Workout”
For time:
100 Wall Ball 9/6kg
80 Box Jumps 24″/20″
60 Shoulder to overhead (2 x 22.5/15kg)
40 Burpee Pull-ups
20 Partner Deadlifts 100/70kg (one barbell, with both partners lifting together. Co-ordination the lift and maintain form).