
WOD: Tuesday

Christmas Eve timetable: 6:30am-8am
Join us at 6:30 am for the WOD or any time from 6:30am to 8am for Open gym. Followed by BBQ breaky (please ensure you have booked in for catering purposes).

Join us for our last workout before Christmas.

Today marks the creation of a new and exclusive club—the Coastal CrossFit OG Club (Original Gangster)—and we’re thrilled to welcome our very first member: Bodo, with over 2000 attendances!

Bodo, thank you for trusting us with your health and fitness for over 12 incredible years. You are truly an exceptional individual who brings so much heart and positivity to our community.

We are profoundly grateful to have shared this journey with you. Your unwavering commitment, kindness, and spirit inspire us all. The love and respect we have for you as both an athlete and a friend are immeasurable.

Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition—we can’t wait to continue this journey together! 🎉💪

WOD: Monday

Check out our Festive Timetable here

For time:
860m Run
25 Burpees
35 Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15kg
50 Dumbbell Box Step-ups 22.5/15kg
35 Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15kg
25 Burpees
860m Run

Photo: Saturday fun with Luka & Luke on Fireman’s carry. Luka’s face says it all –
He could definitely save someone from a fire!!!.

WOD: Saturday

What a day in the box for the “12 Days of Christmas”. Congratulations to everyone that completed the workout, especially those hitting it for the first time. Some amazing efforts and lots of PBs. Regardless we are all winners.

Join Marie at 7am or 8am for a great workout. Please book in via Mindbody.

Photo: Some cute elves working hard 😃

12 Days of Christmas

Join us for the highly anticipated 12 Days of Christmas!!!
Bring your Christmas Cheers and get your JINGLE ON!!!
Come and cheer the afternoon crew on and then enjoy some ice cold beverages and nibbles by the water (From approx. 4pm for those that have already completed the WOD).
Bring your own drinks and a plate to share – Extra credit to those that arrive in Christmas attire!!

Note: All sessions WOD (no open gym).

“The 12 Days of Christmas”
1. Front Squat 50/35kg
2. Power Cleans 50/35kg
3. Hand Release Push-up
4. Pull-ups
5. Deadlift 50/35kg
6. Toes to Bar
7. Ball Slams 12/9kg
8. Burpees
9. Goblet Squat 22.5/15kg
10. Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15kg
11. Shuttle Run (10m)
12. Thrusters 50/35kg
*Performed in the order of 1, 2-1, 3-2-1, 4-3-2-1, 5-4-3-2-1 etc.

Compare to last time 2023 here
Compare to 2022 here
Compare to 2021 here
Compare to 2020 here.

Note: For new members- Our “12 Days of Xmas” is our benchmark workout that we repeat each year.
The workout flows along with the song “12 Days of Christmas” song.
This workout is more than a workout and we look forward to it each year!!
Displaying Christmas spirit, through dress up, singing, etc. is highly encouraged.
Members who sing are awarded a prestigious Santa hat, Christmas tree or reindeer along side their workout score on the white board. Don’t be a Christmas Grinch- All participants are sure to be on Santa’s good list.

WOD: Thursday

Reminder: Friday will be the “12 Days of Christmas workout” during all session times.
Following the 4pm – 6pm session we would love to have as many people join us for some nibbles and drinks by the water. We will also have our CLUB Shirt presentations during this time.

A. Pick two movements:
Each for time:
1.6km Row
4 km Bike
1.6km Run (Bridge & Back)
1.6km Ski Erg

* Rest approx. 5minutes between activities

B. Mobility/Sauna – Get your body supple for the 12 Days of Christmas workout.

Photo: Our awesome young guns Nata & Caitlin.

WOD: Wednesday

Two rounds:
0- 4 (16-20)minutes:
EMOM x 4 minutes:
‘X’ Strict Gymnastics Pull
4 – 8 (20-24) minutes:
EMOM x 4 minutes:
‘X’ Calorie Echo/Row/Ski
8-12 (24-28) minutes:
EMOM x 4 minutes:
‘X’ Strict Gymnastic Push
12-16 (28-32) minutes:
EMOM x 4 minutes:
‘X’ 10m Shuttle Run

*Choose repetitions to maintain across each movement.

Photo: Shout out to Tim. Always positive and coachable. It is great seeing your progression. Keep up the great work!!!

WOD: Tuesday

A. Technique focus:
1 Power Snatch + 2 Snatch Balance + 3 Overhead Squats

B. AMRAP in 12 minutes:
12 Overhead Squats 40/30kg
15 Toes to bar
50 Double-unders