WOD: Monday

“CrossFit Open 20.1”
10 Rounds for time:
8 Ground to overhead 42.5/30kg (Scale 30/20kg)
10 Bar Facing Burpees

*Time cap: 15 minutes
*Note: Any style of G2OH allowed, I.e. Snatch, Clean & Jerk.

Photo: Congratulations to Winnie for an epic weekend of gala’s, awards and birthday celebrations.
In recognition of her hard work Winnie was the recipient of 2 prestigious awards – “Young Change Maker of the Year Award” from @Containers for Change QLD and “Visionary Wildlife Warrior of the year” Australia Zoo’s Steve Irwin Gala awards.
We are so proud of Winnie for her hard work and dedication towards raising money for the Wildlife warriors, by collecting over 28,000 cans.
You have shown how “One person can change the World”.

Winnie’s kindness, compassion and dedication is a testament to the love and support of both Fran and Matt. You truly are an amazing family!!!
Click here to watch Winnie’s story on Chanel 9.


Time to hit the beach!!
Hope to see you all at 7:30am.

Where: Meet at Minkara Park (refer map below). This is the street running adjacent to BFresh.
Click here to see the MAP below.

WOD: Friday


A. AMRAP in 12 minutes:
3 Wall Walks
12 Hang Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15g
16 Alternating lunge (body weight)

B. Run 3.2km or
Run 2km

WOD: Thursday

Hey Team,
It is getting hot- time for a BEACH WOD this Saturday @7:30am. Check here for details.
Hope you can all join us!!

Four rounds for time:
15 Wallball 9/6kg
15 Burpee Box Jump overs 24″/20″
15 Wallball 9/6kg
60 Double-unders

*20 minute time cap

Photo: Missing this legend in the box. Hope you get better soon Greggy. xoxo

WOD: Wednesday

Partner workout
A. Two rounds:
0-2 minutes: 400m Row
Farmers carry 100m (2 x 22.5/15kg) + Max Shoulder to Overhead

Rest 2 minutes

B. Two rounds:
0-2 minutes: 1000m Echo
Deadball carry 50m 45/35kg + Max Deadball over shoulder

*Partner 1- starts on machine, Partner 2 on movement then swap. Complete all 8 minutes on Part A, rest then complete Part B (or vice versa).
Score = Total repetitions

*Scale: Choose weights that are repeatable under fatigue.

Photo: Happy 50th Birthday to our beautiful Karla. Wishing you an absolutely amazing day filled with everything you love (Hopefully starting with CrossFit :D)

WOD: Tuesday

A. Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Front Squats

B. AMRAP in 15 minutes:
5 Power Cleans 70/50kg
7/5 Dips
5 Front Squats 70/50kg
15/10 Push-ups

Photo: A special visitor in the gym :)

WOD: Monday

For completion:
0-5 minutes: Run 860m
5-12 minutes (EMOM x 7)
‘X’ Toes to Bar
12-17 minutes: Run 860m
17-24 minutes (EMOM x 7)
‘X’ Gymnastic Pull
24-29 minutes: Run 860m

*Choose your own repetitions
*Gymnastic pull- aim for a minimum of 3 reps at a repeatable difficulty.
*Advanced athletes aim for more technical movement/unbroken efforts

Photo: Jesse hitting a new competition PB for weightlifting. 81kg snatch & 95kg Clean & Jerk =176kg total. Great work Jess!!

WOD: Saturday

To allow us to best manage the class logistics- athletes & equipment please ensure you have booked in via Mindbody.

Partner workout
A1. AMRAP in 5 minutes:
10 Deadball over shoulder* 45/35kg
20 Overhead lunge (22.5/15kg) 10 left/10 right

A2. Row 1000m/900m

Rest 3 minutes between Part A & B

B1. AMRAP in 5 minutes:
10 Burpees over paralette
10 Wall Ball 10/6kg

B2. Echo 2500m/2250m

Partner 1 Starts on Part A1, Partner 2 starts on Part A2 then swap.

WOD: Friday

A. Snatch – Technique focus
Working with a partner
YGIG x 7 cycles (Light load)
1 Snatch + 2 Snatch Balance + 3 Overhead Squats

YGIG x 10 cycles (Moderate load)
Snatch (Alternate between Power Snatch/Squat Snatch)

YGIG x 7 cycles (Increase in load)
Snatch (Any style)

B. Partner workout:
For time:
50 Devils Press 22.5/15kg
*Share reps anyhow

Photo: Goody making gains 😁

WOD: Thursday

For time:
Run 1.6km
50 Toes to bar
100 Russian Kettlebell Swings
50 Strict Sit-ups
Run 1.6km


Active recovery
Bike 20 minutes (just move)
Mobility 20 minutes
Sauna 15-20 minutes

Photo: A beautiful surprise visitor – Diego with baby Rebecca. Xo