WOD: Friday
A. AMRAP in 12 minutes:
3 Wall Walks
12 Hang Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15g
16 Alternating lunge (body weight)
B. Run 3.2km or
Run 2km
A. AMRAP in 12 minutes:
3 Wall Walks
12 Hang Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15g
16 Alternating lunge (body weight)
B. Run 3.2km or
Run 2km
Hey Team,
It is getting hot- time for a BEACH WOD this Saturday @7:30am. Check here for details.
Hope you can all join us!!
Four rounds for time:
15 Wallball 9/6kg
15 Burpee Box Jump overs 24″/20″
15 Wallball 9/6kg
60 Double-unders
*20 minute time cap
Photo: Missing this legend in the box. Hope you get better soon Greggy. xoxo
Partner workout
A. Two rounds:
0-2 minutes: 400m Row
Farmers carry 100m (2 x 22.5/15kg) + Max Shoulder to Overhead
Rest 2 minutes
B. Two rounds:
0-2 minutes: 1000m Echo
Deadball carry 50m 45/35kg + Max Deadball over shoulder
*Partner 1- starts on machine, Partner 2 on movement then swap. Complete all 8 minutes on Part A, rest then complete Part B (or vice versa).
Score = Total repetitions
*Scale: Choose weights that are repeatable under fatigue.
Photo: Happy 50th Birthday to our beautiful Karla. Wishing you an absolutely amazing day filled with everything you love (Hopefully starting with CrossFit :D)
A. Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Front Squats
B. AMRAP in 15 minutes:For completion:
0-5 minutes: Run 860m
5-12 minutes (EMOM x 7)
‘X’ Toes to Bar
12-17 minutes: Run 860m
17-24 minutes (EMOM x 7)
‘X’ Gymnastic Pull
24-29 minutes: Run 860m
*Choose your own repetitions
*Gymnastic pull- aim for a minimum of 3 reps at a repeatable difficulty.
*Advanced athletes aim for more technical movement/unbroken efforts
Photo: Jesse hitting a new competition PB for weightlifting. 81kg snatch & 95kg Clean & Jerk =176kg total. Great work Jess!!
To allow us to best manage the class logistics- athletes & equipment please ensure you have booked in via Mindbody.
Partner workout
A1. AMRAP in 5 minutes:
10 Deadball over shoulder* 45/35kg
20 Overhead lunge (22.5/15kg) 10 left/10 right
A2. Row 1000m/900m
Rest 3 minutes between Part A & B
B1. AMRAP in 5 minutes:
10 Burpees over paralette
10 Wall Ball 10/6kg
B2. Echo 2500m/2250m
Partner 1 Starts on Part A1, Partner 2 starts on Part A2 then swap.
A. Snatch – Technique focus
Working with a partner
YGIG x 7 cycles (Light load)
1 Snatch + 2 Snatch Balance + 3 Overhead Squats
YGIG x 10 cycles (Moderate load)
Snatch (Alternate between Power Snatch/Squat Snatch)
YGIG x 7 cycles (Increase in load)
Snatch (Any style)
B. Partner workout:
For time:
50 Devils Press 22.5/15kg
*Share reps anyhow
Photo: Goody making gains 😁
For time:
Run 1.6km
50 Toes to bar
100 Russian Kettlebell Swings
50 Strict Sit-ups
Run 1.6km
Active recovery
Bike 20 minutes (just move)
Mobility 20 minutes
Sauna 15-20 minutes
Photo: A beautiful surprise visitor – Diego with baby Rebecca. Xo
A. Front Squats 10-10-10-10 (Bar taken from ground)
B. Two rounds for max reps:
2 minutes: Box Step-ups 20″/24″ 20kg/15kg
2 minutes: Burpees
Photo: Welcome back Adrian 🙂
Six rounds (24 minutes)
Minute 1: Run 180m
Minute 2: ‘X’ Strict gymnastic pull
Minute 3: Run 180m
Minute 4: 10 Strict Dumbbell Press *
*Choose a weight that allows for unbroken strict press.
Photo: Nata & Caitlin – Partner workout Saturday.