WOD: Saturday
Join Luke for the 7am session.
Every 5 minutes, for 25 minutes (5 rounds):
Run 400m
then, AMRAP in remaining time:
10 Dumbbell Push Press 2 x 22.5/15kg
10 Wall Ball 9/6kg
10 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
*Score is total repetitions.
Join Luke for the 7am session.
Every 5 minutes, for 25 minutes (5 rounds):
Run 400m
then, AMRAP in remaining time:
10 Dumbbell Push Press 2 x 22.5/15kg
10 Wall Ball 9/6kg
10 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
*Score is total repetitions.
A. Snatch Technique (This is not designed to be maximal)
5-7 sets:
3 Position Power Snatch
*High Hang (Hip), Hang (above knee), Floor
Approx: 70% x 3 rounds, 75% x 2 rounds , 80% x 2 rounds
B. Skill test:
5 rounds:
25 Double-unders
‘X’ Gymnastic pull (low volume/highest difficulty)
25 Double-unders
Rest 45 seconds
or scale:
EMOM x 10 minutes:
Min 1: ‘X’ Gymnastic pull (low volume/highest difficulty)
Min 2: 30 seconds Double unders practice
For completion – Technique focus
EMOM x 30 minutes:
Min 1: 2 x 10 second Handstand Hold (Butt to wall, Advanced wall walk + Nose to wall)
Min 2: ‘X’ Reverse Lunge (Dumbbell)
Min 3: 45 second plank
Min 4: ‘X’ Single leg Romanian deadlift (Bodyweight or Kettlebell)
Min 5: Rest
30 minute Bike
20 minute stretch/mobility
10-15 minute sauna
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
20 Burpees
12 Toes to Bar
9-7-5-3-Max Squat Clean
Rest 1 minute
40/35kg, 50/42.5kg, 60/50kg, 70/57.5kg, 80/65kg
Complete burpees, T2B then 9 Squat Clean at weight 1. Rest 1 minute.
Continue with format increasing weight and reducing reps on squat cleans (7-5-3) resting 1 minute following each set of squat cleans.
On final round, complete BP, T2B and Max reps Squat Cleans.
Score = total repetitions completed.
Congratulations to Dani A & Josh on their engagement. We could not be happier for you both!!! 💓💓
For time (total time including rest):
4 x 15 Chest to bar pull-ups
Rest 1:00-1:30 minutes between efforts
For time (total time including rest):
4 x 10-15 Gymnastic Push (Handstand Push-up, Dip, Push-ups)
Rest 1:00-1:30 minute between efforts
For time (total time including rest):
4 x 20/14 cals Echo or 22/16cal Row
Rest 1-1:30 minute between efforts
Score: Time for each element. Complete in any order.
Goal: Hold quality/unbroken efforts of movements with minimal rest between sets.
Scaling guidance will be provided.
A. Overhead Squats RETEST (Block 4- Week 3)
B. Three rounds for time:
Sandbag front rack carry x 50m *
20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15kg
30 Squats *(Adv 20 Pistols)
Photo: Deb hitting a PB 5RM Front Squats. Today marks the last day of our 12 week squat cycle. We have seen some amazing results for Back Squats & Front Squats. Be sure not to miss this last test day.
Come and join us at 7am – hope to see you there!!!
Thirty rounds for load/time:
1 Squat Clean *
3 Burpees
5 Wall Balls 9/6kg
*Choose your own weight.
Photo: Caitlin with the most beautiful wall walks you ever did see!!
A. AMRAP in 12 minutes:
3 Wall Walks
15 Hang Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15kg *
30 Double-unders
*Advanced athletes heavier dumbbell/drag rope.
B. Optional:
EMOM x 10 minutes:
3 Strict pull-ups *
*Advanced athletes add weight.
Photo: Congratulations to all the athletes that achieved personal best on their Front Squats. Consistency is key!!
A. Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5 (Block 4, Week 2 RETEST)
B. Three efforts each for time:
Row/Ski Erg 500m or
Bike 1000m
*Rest as necessary between efforts. Score: Fastest and slowest and total work time.
Photo: Thank you @BarryHarden and @sunshinecoastweightlifting for your constant support of Chloe. It is so awesome to have a club supporting/inspiring so many young girls taking up weightlifting. Thank you all for tuning in to watch Chloe.
We had the most amazing trip but are so happy to home and can’t wait to see you all in the box.
A huge thank you to our amazing coaches who made it possible for us to have this time away, and for you all for your understanding with timetable changes. I have missed you all!!!
Chloe will be lifting tomorrow at 3:30pm and will be streamed at the CWF Website – or Youtube .
Five rounds for time:
15 Dumbbell Shoulder to overhead 2×22.5/15kg
12 Chest to bar pull-ups
9 Deadball over shoulder 45/35kg
*Weight selection should allow for mostly unbroken efforts.