WOD: Wednesday
The hard work is done, now time for the fun!! The Saliba’s are heading off to the USA today. We are super excited to see both of the kids compete at the highest levels. We will provide links to the CrossFit Teen Games so you can all share this journey. Thank you all for your ongoing love & support.
Please note there will be only one afternoon session today: 5pm-6pm.
Mindbody has been amended to reflect this.
Note: We have aimed to minimize disruption of training however we have had to cancel some sessions due to unavailability of coaches. These dates include:
2nd September – Only 6:30am & 9:15am sessions will run (all other sessions cancelled).
3rd September- Cancelled 5:30am.
Tabata (8 rounds 20sec work/10 sec rest)
Echo Bike (Cal)
Rest 1 minute
Toes to Bar
Rest 1 minute
Row Cal
Rest 1 minute
*Record total reps/calories for each movement and Grant Tally.