WOD: Saturday

Mindbody is having technical issues- both 7am & 8am sessions will be on.

Come and join us for a partner workout.

Photo: Shane (FIFO) always great having this guy in the box.

WOD: Friday

For time:
75 Wall ball 9/6kg
5 minutes until completion:
50 Toes to bar +
50 Pull-ups
At the start of minute 5 complete 30 Double -unders, at start of minute 6 complete 20 Squats. Continue to alternate this buy in format until Toes to bar/Pull-ups are completed.

*20 minute cap

Photo: Ted - A CrossFitter in the making. Thank you Deb for his very own barbell and plates. The perfect thing to have when watching Mum do her WOD. Xo

WOD: Thursday

A. Week 2/12 Squat progression
Cycling through Back squat/Front Squat/Overhead Squat
Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5

B. AMRAP in 10 minutes:
5 Dumbbell Snatch (Left arm) 22.5/15kg
5 Dumbbell Shoulder to overhead (left arm) 22.5/15kg
5 Dumbbell Snatch (Right arm) 22.5/15kg
5 Dumbbell Shoulder to overhead (Right arm) 22.5/15kg
10 Burpees (Lateral jump over dumbbell)

Photo: Thinking of Leiah and wishing her a speedy recovery.

WOD: Wednesday

A. 10 minutes:
Gymnastics skills

B. Cardio Pyramid
Run/Row or
Echo x 2.5
Rest 1 minute between efforts

Photo: It is great having Heather back in gym. Consistency & frequency is key.

WOD: Tuesday

Five x 2:30minute rounds:
10 Power Clean 50/35kg (Int 45/30kg)
15 V-ups
Max Overhead Squats 50/35kg (Int 45/30kg)

Rest 2:30minutes
*Plank 60 seconds during rest

WOD: Monday

For time:
5 rounds:
12 Alternating Box Step-ups 20″ (20/15kg plate)
6 Bar Muscle-ups

Rest 2 minutes

5 rounds:
12 Alternating Box Step-ups 20″ (20/15kg plate)
3 Wall Walks

Photo: Congratulations to Bodo- the winner of our door prize for “GET CHLOE TO THE GAMES” Fundraiser. Thank you to @Reebokau_nz for putting up a pair of Reebok NanoX4. New kicks never looked so good 👍

WOD: Saturday

Both 7am & 8am sessions will be scheduled.

For time:
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps of:
Power Cleans 60/40kg
Dumbbell Bench Press 22.5/15kg
Burpee Pull-ups

Photo: Definition- Bloody Legend: Greg.

WOD: Friday

Five rounds for time:
Run 400m
25 Unbroken Wall ball 9/6kg

Photo: It has been a great week of achievements for Luka. Well done!!


A. Single Leg Romanian Dumbbell/Kettlebell single leg Romanian Deadlifts (5 reps per side)
* Add load as movement quality allows.

B. For time:
Knees to elbow
Run 180m

*Heavy/unbroken Max 100/70kg

WOD: Wednesday

Partner workout:
AMRAP for 20 minutes:
P1: 14 x 7.5m Shuttle Run
8 Plank Dumbbell Row 2x 22.5/15kg (4 per side)
8 Dumbbell Push Press 2 x 22.5/15kg

*Change as soon as P1 has completed shuttle runs. Maintain a continuous count (AMRAP) between your and your partner.
* Advanced athletes increase to heavy/repeatable weight.

Photo: Sally.
It is amazing to see Ted (Sally's son) replicate what she does in the gym. Shaping our little humans in a positive way is one of the best roles in life.