WOD: Friday

A. Technique Focus:
Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Jerk (any style)

B. Partner workout
YGIG x 10 sets each – 5 Clean & Jerks (touch & go) *
* Choose your own load

WOD: Thursday

AMRAP in 15 minutes:
6 Hand release Push-ups *
6 Dumbbell Snatch (Left hand) 22.5/15kg
9 Overhead Lunge (Left hand)
6 Dumbbell Snatch (Right hand)
9 Overhead Luge (Right hand)

*Advanced athletes scale up to Dips or HSPU

Photo: A huge shout out to Blake who has just been accepted into the ARMY. Enlistment date May. Blake has been working so hard towards improving his strength & fitness. Blake you are a great young man – we are so happy you chose us to guide you.

WOD: Wednesday

Two rounds, each movement for time:
Row 500m
Echo 1500m
Ski Erg 400m
Run 560m

Complete in any order.
Rest as necessary between efforts.
40min time cap.
Compare to last time here

Record fastest time for each + Total work time.

WOD: Tuesday

Open 22.2
reps for time of:
Bar Facing Burpees

102/70kg, Scaled 61/42.5kg (Step-over allowed), Masters 55+ 83/56kg
*10 minute time cap.

Compare to last time here


A. Front Squats 5 X 5

B. EMOM x 16 minutes
Min 1. Wall ball 'X'
Min 2. 50 Double-unders
Min 3. Chest to bar Pull-ups
Min 4. 10 X 10m Shuttle run

*Choose reps to allow for quality movement
* Advanced – Choose reps for quality/aim for unbroken.

WOD: Saturday

Join Luke at 7am or 8am.
Please note: Chloe’s Cafe will be closed today due to Chloe & Jesse competing at Sunshine Coast Weightlifting Club.

Partner workout
For time:
400m Deadball carry (together)
40 Deadlift (70/45kg)
40 Power Cleans (70/45kg)
40 Front Squats (70/45kg)
300m Deadball carry (together)
30 Deadlift (70/45kg)
30 Power Cleans (70/45kg)
30 Front Squats (70/45kg)
200m Deadball carry (together)
20 Deadlift (70/45kg)
20 Power Cleans (70/45kg)
20 Front Squats (70/45kg)
100m Deadball carry (together)
10 Deadlift (70/45kg)
10 Power Cleans (70/45kg)
10 Front Squats (70/45kg)

*Complete runs together. Share repetitions anyhow.
Weight guide: (Advanced: 70/45kg) (Intermediate: 50/30kg) (Beginner: 35/20kg)

WOD: Friday

A. Five supersets:
Bench Press 8-10reps
Pendlay Row 10-12 reps
*Rest as necessary between rounds.
* Maintain weight across sets
Compare to last time here

B. For time: (Choose one of the following)
Row 2km/Ski Erg 2km/Concept Bike 4km/Echo 5km

WOD: Thursday

A. Handstand practice- Holds, Walks, etc.

B. AMRAP in 18 minutes:
6 Wall Walks
45 second Suitcase hold (2 x Kettlebell 24/16kg/Dumbbells) *
360m Run

*Choose a heavy weight that allows for unbroken holds.

WOD: Wednesday

A. Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch

B. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 For time:
Hang Power Snatch 42.5/30kg
*15 Air Squats after each set

Photo: Our final IN-BOX TEAM CAPTAIN – Paula. We are so excited to have you on board. Let the Games begin…..

WOD: Tuesday

A. EMOM x 10 minutes:
3 Strict Pull-ups *
*Add load as necessary (aim to maintain load across all sets)

B. 10 minute incrementing ladder:
1 Gymnastic Push (HSPU, Dips, Push-ups) (1-2-3-4-5…)
1 Sandbag over shoulder (1-2-3-4-5…)

* Choose a push movement and weight that allows for continuous work.