Congratulations to Aideen and her family on the arrival of their baby boy (name to be announced). He weighed in at 6 pounds 2 ounces and everyone is happy and healthy!
A. EMOM x 10: Snatch x 1
*Aim to be at a heavy but not maximal lift by set 7 and then drop back by about 10% for the remaining 3 lifts.
B. Every 90 seconds x 7: Clean + Jerk + Clean
*Aim to be at a heavy but not maximal lift by set 5 and then drop back by about 10% for the remaining 2 lifts.
C. Back Squat:
5 @ 70-75%
3 @ 75-80%
1 @ 80-85%
5 @ 75-80%
3 @ 80-85%
1 @ 85-90%
*please work out your numbers prior to coming in to save time.
What does “heavy but not maximal” mean? This means that the lift will require significant effort to succeed but is not so heavy that you know before you even lift the bar that you are going to have to sacrifice form to get the lift. Remember, only good lifts contribute positively to your training and the bad ones are teaching you the wrong movement pattern, to be slow, are more likely to cause injury etc. Considering you need to do thousands of good lifts to make progress as a lifter, can you really afford to be doing bad ones?