WOD: Friday
*Please check out our gym rules post if you haven’t already read it – here.
Four cycles of:
DB Bench Press 8-10 reps.
Rest 60 sec.
KB Swings 15-20 reps.
Rest 60 sec.
10 Evil Wheels
Rest 60 sec.
20 ABMAT Sit-ups
Rest 60 sec.

WOD: Thursday
1. Run 200m
Max reps OHS 40/30kg
2. Run 200m
Max reps Ring Dips
3. Run 200m
Max reps Deadlift 40/30kg
4. Run 200m
Max reps T2B
5. Run 200m
Max reps Push Jerk 40/30kg
6. Run 200m
Max reps Air Squat
7. Run 200m
Max reps Hang Power Clean 40/30kg
8. Run 200m
*each work round is 90 seconds, followed by 90 seconds rest.
*your score is the total of the max rep efforts. You must get at least 1 rep of each to get rx’d.

WOD: Wednesday

WOD: Tuesday

WOD: Monday

WOD: Saturday

WOD: Friday
21-15-9 Complex
For time:
8 deadlifts
7 cleans
6 snatches
8 pull-ups
7 chest-to-bar pull-ups
6 bar muscle-ups
6 deadlifts
5 cleans
4 snatches
6 pull-ups
5 chest-to-bar pull-ups
4 bar muscle-ups
4 deadlifts
3 cleans
2 snatches
4 pull-ups
3 chest-to-bar pull-ups
2 bar muscle-ups
*Rx’d weights at the games were 70/50 – Pick a weight that you can do for all 3 movements that allows you to move through the reps quickly with minimal rest.
*Various scaling options will be provided – don’t be scared!
*Rich Froning’s time for this was 4:16!!!

WOD: Thursday
*We have a bunch of Barbells that we are selling. Speak to Marie or Chris for prices.
A. Back Squat 10×2 @ 70-80%
*Find a partner who is lifting similar weight and move through the sets with minimal rest (ideally on the minute).
B. Three rounds for best form:
50 Squats
Push-ups (pick your own reps)
*your rx’d will depend not only on range of motion but the quality of your movement.
*12 min cut off.

WOD: Wednesday
*Click the picture for video evidence of Chris’s Birthday Burpees.
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
400m run
10 Box Jump-Overs 24/20”
20 Toes-to-Bar
30 Hang Power Clean 50/35kg
40 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
100 Double Unders
Rest exactly 3 minutes, and then . . .
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of:
400m run
10 Box Jump-Overs 24/20”
20 Toes-to-Bar
30 Hang Power Clean 50/35kg
40 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
100 Double Unders
Rest exactly 3 minutes, and then . . .
Complete for time:
400m run
10 Box Jump-Overs 24/20”
20 Toes-to-Bar
30 Hang Power Clean 50/35kg
40 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
100 Double Unders