WOD: Wednesday
Nutrition: Through our nutrition review process we have found that there are a lot of people listing the fat contained in their protein in the fat column of their food diary. To clarify, there is an assumed fat content in your protein and the fat that we have advised you to eat is in addition to this (so long as you’re eating good quality non processed meats). Don’t be scared to intentionally add healthy fats to your diet – they are a valuable source of calories that won’t spike your blood sugar and even better, meals taste better when cooked in good quality fats.
Partner WOD
AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
Farmers Carry 80m 2 x 24/16kg
10 Overs and unders (5 each)
20 Sit-ups (with med. ball alternating)
*One person runs at a time.
*On behalf of everyone, get well soon to Tanya M who ruptured her Achilles playing netball on the weekend.