WOD: Tuesday
15 Rounds for time of:
Sprint 100m
7 Front squats 60/40kg
Sprint 100m
7 Burpee pulls (jump to a pull-up bar that is 30cm above standing reach)
Brendan “Hursty” Hurst was killed on the 15/07/07 while serving in Iraq as a civilian contractor training local police officers as a result of injuries sustained during an ambush on the outskirts of Bagdad.
Brendan had previously served as a Police Officer in the Queensland Police Force for over 15 years and was highly regarded and respected by his colleagues. Brendan was partner to Tanya and Father to Max. Sadly, Max was only a few weeks old when Brendan passed away. He is survived and will always be in the hearts of his partner, Tanya Cashin and Son Max Hurst.