WOD: Friday

Please check out our newest article: Staying Motivated

Nutrition: For those of you who are struggling with cravings. I found it easier to adhere to a nutritious diet by mentally recalibrating what I considered to be edible/food – many of the foods that cause cravings while tasty, are barely if at all more nutritious than a long list of things you would never consider eating. When I started making positive changes to my diet I found it easier to remove the poor choices from my food vocabulary than to consider them a sometimes food, because you know what happens – sometimes turns into all the time very easily. This is a very black and white approach that may not work for everyone but it certainly helped me. Chris.

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
5 Unbroken cycles of Deadlift + Hang Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Jerk + Back Squat + Push Jerk  (movements may be combined/choose own load)
Run 200m
*Unbroken means only touch and go at the ground and no dumping at any point. You may rest anywhere you like other than the ground.

WOD: Thursday

Nutrition: Try this tasty post workout recipe. Boil some potato or sweet potato until it’s soft enough to mash. While the potato is boiling dice up some bacon and fry it off. Once the potato is cooked, mash it with some butter until it is creamy and then add the diced bacon, some finely chopped shallots, a couple of raw eggs and some grated cheese and mix it all together to form a batter. Spoon it into a frying pan and fry both sides until crispy and brown. Enjoy.

A. 5 rounds for reps and time:
Chest to bar pull-ups (choose own reps)
2 x 10-20-30m Shuttle.
*Work:rest = 1:1
*For advanced athletes pick the largest number of pull-ups that you expect to be able to do unbroken for all five rounds. Note that UB is not a requirement, just a goal.
*Less advanced athletes will pick a number of pull-ups to complete each round with as many breaks as necessary to do the work or a flexed arm hang.

B. EMOM for 10 min:
Burpees (jump and touch) – choose own reps.

WOD: Wednesday

A. Work up to a heavy Dumbbell Hang Power Snatch + Power Snatch (1+1) (each side).
*10 min.

B. Three rounds for reps of:
1 min Wall Ball 10/6kg
1 min Parallette Shoot Through
1 min DB Snatch 20/15kg (alternating)
1 min Row (calories)
1 min to complete 45 sec plank (must be unbroken for rx’d)
*Rest 1 min between rounds.

WOD: Tuesday

Nutrition: Please try to put as much detail into your food diaries as possible – the more information we have, the more we can help you. You don’t have to get the scales and measuring cups out for each meal but some sort of guide on quantity helps us a lot. For example Dinner: 2 Chicken Thighs, large plate of stirfry veggies (capsicum, tomato, sweet potato, broccoli) cooked in a generous amount of coconut oil.

A. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps Pendlay Row.
*Increment the weight every two sets. For example, reps 10 & 9 @ 70kg, 8 & 7 @ 75kg, 6 & 5 @ 80kg, 4 & 3 @ 85kg, 2 & 1 @ 90kg. Obviously lighter lifters would need to use smaller increments than the example but hopefully you get the idea.
*Superset each round with max reps Double unders in 30 seconds.
*15 minute cut off.

B. AMRAP in 7 minutes of Toes to Bar
*Each time you come off the bar perform 10 candlesticks.

WOD: Monday

Nutrition: Try to avoid letting the scales be the sole determining factor in your success on the nutrition challenge. Your weight is more variable than you might realise and should be used in conjunction with things like the way your clothes fit, your energy levels, mood, appearance in the mirror, comments from friends, athletic performance etc. to determine your progress on the challenge.

Five x 90 sec rounds:
15 Box Jumps 24/20″
7 Front Squat
Max effort unbroken Hand Release Push-ups (stop when you break or at the end of the round).
*Rest 90 sec. between rounds.
*Load for front squat should be heavy but remain unbroken for all rounds.
*Perform 15 strict Abmat sit-ups during the rest break.
*Score = Load and reps.

WOD: Saturday

See you at 7.00am for the WOD or at 8.00am for performance development!

WOD: Friday

Photo: Check out Murph’s idea of training while he’s away in Europe. The worst part is he took that bike with him!

A. 15 minutes to work to a 5RM Pull-up.
*Must complete at least 5 sets above 80% of max achieved.
*Novices will work with a spotter.

B. For time:
10 Pull-ups
Run 200m
10 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups
Run 200m
10 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 10 Squats
Run 200m
10 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 10 Squats, 10 Burpees
Run 200m
10 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 10 Squats, 10 Burpees
Run 200m
10 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 10 Squats
Run 200m
10 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups
Run 200m
10 Pull-ups
*20 minute cut off.

WOD: Thursday

Nutrition: Please check out our article on the parallels between good finance and nutrition – here.

A. E.M.O.M. for 10 rounds:
1 Press
2 Push Press
3 Push Jerk (instructional video)
*Use the same weight for all movements and all sets.
*Think about your weight carefully – there is a lot of volume in this.

B. AMRAP in 7 minutes of:
7 Deadlift (instructional video)
7 Hang Power Clean
7 Push Jerk

WOD: Wednesday

Nutrition: Through our nutrition review process we have found that there are a lot of people listing the fat contained in their protein in the fat column of their food diary. To clarify, there is an assumed fat content in your protein and the fat that we have advised you to eat is in addition to this (so long as you’re eating good quality non processed meats). Don’t be scared to intentionally add healthy fats to your diet – they are a valuable source of calories that won’t spike your blood sugar and even better, meals taste better when cooked in good quality fats.

Partner WOD
AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
Farmers Carry 80m 2 x 24/16kg
10 Overs and unders (5 each)
20 Sit-ups (with med. ball alternating)
*One person runs at a time.

*On behalf of everyone, get well soon to Tanya M who ruptured her Achilles playing netball on the weekend.

WOD: Tuesday

Nutrition: Don’t forget to get those food diaries to us. In person or email is fine – either way, please make the effort to get it to us each week. We are right into the meat (no pun intended) of this challenge and now is the time where we have to hold strong now that the initial excitement of the challenge may have started to fade. Your rewards will be directly proportional to your efforts and
what more reward could you want that the key to good health and wellbeing for the rest of your life!

A. Ascend as far as possible in 10 minutes:
1 Pull (your choice – MU, Pull-ups, Ring Rows etc.)
Run 60m (to door and back)
1 Push (your choice – HSPU, Ring Dip, Push-up etc.)
Run 60m
*Increment the reps by 1 each round.

B. Working in groups of 2-3 –
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
Front Squat
*This is not for time – use the rotation of your group as rest.
*10 min cut off – go as heavy as possible within the parameters of the workout.

C. Max reps 10m Shuttle in 2 min.