*A foam roller has disappeared from the gym – if anyone has taken it home by accident, could you please bring it back.
*Don’t forget to log your scores for 14.2 – the deadline is 11.00am Tuesday.
A. Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3-3-3
B. AMRAP in 10 min:
7 Deadlift (see video here)
30 Mountain Climbers
*Partner workout – partners must change every 30 seconds.
*Choose your own load for the deadlift – see below.
Tips: For Part A – after warming up take strictly seven sets to find a 3 rep max for the day. These reps are NOT to be done touch and go and you should take a good few seconds to ensure the correct start position before going for the 2nd and 3rd reps. For the deadlifts in part B pick a load that is heavy enough not to take for granted but not so heavy that you would expect to have to break up the sets – somewhere around 1RM Clean would be the suggestion. An advanced athlete may be able to get a round out in each 30 second work interval which equates to 70 reps in 10 minutes – take this (total volume of work) into account when you choose your load.