WOD: Wednesday
Nutrition: To save money on your shopping list, get out the slow cooker (or buy one if you don’t have one) and start buying larger cuts of meat. You can buy pork roasts and silverside for between $5-7 dollars per kg and they are the simplest thing in the world to cook. You can either chuck your veggies into the slow cooker with the meat or whip together a quick salad when you get home and you’re good to go.
For load and time:
EMOM for 5 rounds: 2-4-6-8-10 reps of Deadlift (use approx. 100-120% of 1RM Clean)
then immediately after the last deadlift…
10 rounds of:
7 Toes to Bar
7 Box Jumps 24/20″
then at the start of a new minute….
EMOM for 5 rounds: 10-8-6-4-2
*Your time is recorded at the completion of the 2 reps in the second round of DL’s.
It will all make sense when we explain it!