WOD: Friday
News Flash: The maximum temperature today in Hobart was the same as the minimum on the Sunshine Coast and people down there still managed to train CrossFit. Time to harden up people – it’s not that cold.
Nutrition: Please don’t forget that we want to see you with your food diary at least once per week for the duration of the nutrition challenge. This applies even if you think you don’t need it. Let’s stay focussed as we head into another weekend!
For time:
Bear Crawl 100m (10m lengths)
50 Kettlebell Swings 24/16 (one arm/Russian) 25 per side.
50 Thrusters 30/20kg
50 Ring Dips
100 Overhead Lunge 20/10kg plate.
50 Burpees (jump and touch)
200 Double-unders
*You may perform this work in any order you like and break up the reps as you like.
*As always, suitable scaling of volume and difficulty will be provided.