WOD: Wednesday

Five rounds for reps of:
30 seconds Box Jumps 24/20″
30 seconds rest.
30 seconds Hang Power Cleans 50/35kg
30 seconds rest.
30 seconds Double-unders
30 seconds rest.

Post total reps to comments.

WOD: Tuesday

A. Choose from one of the following:
1. 30 Muscle-ups for time (10 min cut off).
2. 30 Muscle-ups for sets (10 min cut off).
3. EMOM for 10 min – Muscle-ups or Pull-ups (choose own movement and reps).
4. 5 x sets assisted reps (on 2 min cycle).
*choose the option that is most appropriate to your current level of ability and goals.

B. Four rounds:
1 min. Burpees (jump to 6″ target)
1 min. Rest.

For those of you going for 30 muscle ups for time – don’t cook yourself in the first set. If you pull off the rings a couple of reps before failure your recovery time will be much quicker and your subsequent sets will be bigger. Also don’t forget false grip. While the no false grip kipping MU might feel fast, it’s a bloody big movement that takes a lot of energy and coordination which can be hard to string together when you’re near your redline. The false grip MU allows you to rely more on upper body strength rather than having to swing your entire body through orbit to get it over the rings.
Try starting out with a large first set that is still a few reps below your failure point and then hesitate to have a good rest (15-30 seconds) before you get back up for your second set. Once you get past 20, feel it out from there and don’t be afraid to revert back to one rep at a time in false grip.

WOD: Monday

Seven rounds for load and time:
Run 200m
3 Front Squats (taken from ground)
9 Push-ups
*The order of priority for this workout is load, then time. Time is simply used to differentiate people who used the same load.
*Feel free to sub in a more challenging movement (eg. ring dip, hspu) if 9 push-ups is no challenge.
*You may perform a full clean into the first rep – standing this rep up will count as your first front squat.
*21 min. cut off.

I would put this workout into the heavy conditioning category meaning that we want you to go heavy enough to elicit a strengthening effect however not so heavy that you need to rest significantly (less than 20 seconds is good) before performing the clean. Let your clean be the guide for weight for the front squat as you “should” be able to squat the load you can clean quite easily. If you really want to get specific, a couple of failed cleans throughout the workout is acceptable but certainly don’t pick a weight that you have doubts about from the start.

WOD: Friday

Please check out our post on C2B Pull-ups – here.

A. Work to a heavy Power Clean + Push Jerk (1+2) 12 min.

B. Alternating exercises on the minute for 5 rounds:
– 9 Deadlifts @ heaviest load from Part A.
– Chest to Bar Pull-ups (choose your own reps)

Post load and C2B reps to comments.

WOD: Thursday

Please read my post on Field Work (in the slider bar) in relation to today’s workout.

Pick up a heavy, obscure object (sandbag, weight plate, kettlebell(s), weight vest, dumbbell, another person) and hike around the back loop (1.2km).

The object that you choose should be too heavy/awkward to run with and it should be a hard slog to get around the course (think 20-30 minutes).

You may do this in pairs or as an individual. If done correctly, you should want to quit at some point (which of course you will overcome) and it is not for time. It is simply an experience that with the right attitude, you will get a lot out of.


WOD: Wednesday

Sorry everybody – sometimes these things just have to be done!

AMRAP in 18 minutes:
50 Wall Ball 10/6kg
50 Burpees (jump to a 6″ inch target)

Post time to comments.

WOD: Tuesday

Complete five cycles of:
5 Front Squats
Pull (muscle-up, pull-ups, ring rows etc.)
Push (HSPU, ring dips, push-ups etc.)
*Front Squat load should be heavy but repeatable.
*Pick your own movement and reps for the pull & push. Choose a movement and reps that are appropriate to your abilities and goals.
*This workout is not for time however aim to keep moving (around 3-4 minutes per round is good).

Post load movements and reps to comments.

WOD: Monday

Please note that the gym is closed today for the Australia Day public holiday.

Here is a WOD you can do from home-
EMOM for 10 minutes:
Burpees (pick your own reps)
Max reps double-unders (in remaining time)

Post Burpee reps and total DU to comments.