WOD: Saturday
Come for the workout – stay for the food.
Chloe’s Cafe will be open tomorrow from 8am.
Special: Grab a toasted brekkie wrap & coffee for $14.
Partner Workout
For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Toes to bar
100 Syncro Squats
*Share work anyhow
*Complete a 100m run any time you break a set.
AMRAP in 5 minutes for each of the following:
Toes to bar
*Complete a 100m run every time you swap.
Photo: Deb completing Masters League workout. A shout out to Andy who is always the backbone of the Masters League competition. He has selflessly given his time to count Deb through the past few Friday afternoons. Andy you really are a champion- We are so grateful and love you!!!