WOD: Friday
OPEN GYM: From 4pm with Luke.
We are trialing Open gym for Friday afternoon sessions.
This provides greater flexibility as you do not need to be there for the entire hour. I.e. you may come in for a short workout anytime in the allocated time slot.
During this time Luke will run a Toes to Bar development session, or complete the daily WOD or practice/develop skills of your choice. Please ensure you have booked in via Mindbody.
Four rounds:
0-1:30: ‘X’ Gymnastic pull (dynamic)*
1:30-3:00: 5 Wall Walks/ or 3 x 1Wall walk + 2 Strict Handstand Push-ups.
3:00-4:30: 15-20 Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
4:30-6:00: 75 Double-unders or 50 Drag rope double-unders
*Note: Choose a dynamic gymnastic pull allowing for minimum of 6+ repetitions. Ring Muscle-ups/Bar Muscle-ups/Chest to bar pull-ups/Pull-ups/Ring Row.
*Advanced athletes complete more difficult option/higher volume and aim for unbroken repetitions for movements.
Photo: We are excited to announce that Chloe has completed her Cert III in Fitness and her CrossFit Level 1 course. She will be developing her coaching skills for both adult sessions and kids sessions over the next while. We thank you all for encouraging her on her fitness and coaching journey.