WOD: Monday
A. Snatch EMOM x 4min
1 every 20 seconds (maintain light load)
Rest 1 minute
Snatch EMOM x 4min
1 every 30 seconds (maintain medium load)
Rest 1 minute
Snatch EMOM x 7min
1 every 60 seconds (work to a heavy- Increase across)
B. Partner barbell cycling:
For time:
5-5-4-4-3-3-2-2-1-1 reps of:
Touch and go Power snatch
*YGIG format. Partner 1, 5reps, partner 2, 5reps, partner 1, 5 reps, partner 2, 5 reps, then 4’s, etc.
*Choose the heaviest load that allows you to move through smooth touch and go repetitions on all sets, with minimal rest (swap as soon as your partner has completed their reps).
Photo: Congratulations to Torah- turning 17 and getting her P’s the same day. A day to remember!!!