The WOD's

WOD: Monday

A. Snatch EMOM x 4min
1 every 20 seconds (maintain light load)
Rest 1 minute
Snatch EMOM x 4min
1 every 30 seconds (maintain medium load)
Rest 1 minute
Snatch EMOM x 7min
1 every 60 seconds (work to a heavy- Increase across)

B. Partner barbell cycling:
For time:
5-5-4-4-3-3-2-2-1-1 reps of:
Touch and go Power snatch

*YGIG format. Partner 1, 5reps, partner 2, 5reps, partner 1, 5 reps, partner 2, 5 reps, then 4’s, etc.
*Choose the heaviest load that allows you to move through smooth touch and go repetitions on all sets, with minimal rest (swap as soon as your partner has completed their reps).

Photo: Congratulations to Torah- turning 17 and getting her P’s the same day. A day to remember!!!


It is DEB’s 60th BIRTHDAY – 20th NOVEMBER.

BEACH WOD to celebrate from 7am.
Where: Meet at Minkara Park (refer map below).
This is the street running adjacent to BFresh.

Although you wouldn’t know it (as we have been keeping her spritely) Deb will be celebrating a milestone of 60 years on earth.

What better way to celebrate then to make her do what most people couldn’t at 60 years of age.

We will be planning a 60th WOD in her honor and would love for you to celebrate with her!!!

To accommodate numbers this will be a BEACH WOD with multiple Coaches (as required).

Please RSVP on Facebook and book in via MindBody so we can plan an event based around numbers in attendance. Please note to keep control of numbers this is for current members only (with the exception of a couple of Deb’s BOOTCAMP crew).

Hope to see you there.

WOD: Saturday

7 & 8am sessions available. 7am is currently booked with 6 in reserve. It would be great to spread out numbers between the two sessions. If you are able to attend the 8am it would be greatly appreciated.

For time:
Run 360m
16 Dumbbell Snatch
16 Bar Muscle-ups
64 Double-unders
Run 360m
64 Double-unders
16 Bar Muscle-ups
16 Dumbbell Snatch
Run 360m

*Workout taken and modified from the Proven Program.
As always – suitable scaling options will be available.

Photo: 3 Stooges = true team love!!

WOD: Friday

A. Complex- Build for a max for the day
Hang Power Clean + Front Squat + Hang Squat Clean + Front Squat

B. Optional
EMOM x 10 minutes:
1-5 reps Strict Gymnastic Pull/hold*

*Choose a pull/hold which promotes strength development and maintain repetitions across each minute.
Advanced athletes add load to Strict Chest to Bar pull-ups to keep repetitions under 5.

Photo: It is someone specials birthday today. This person doesn’t like a fuss so I won’t mention any names 🙂

WOD: Thursday

Five rounds for time of:
5 Devils Press (2 x 22.5/15kg)
10 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
15 Toes to Bar

WOD: Wednesday

Reminder: 5:30pm will be the Nutritional Presentation. Open gym will also be optional during this time.

A. Back Squat (Cycle 3, week 4- Deload)
40% x 5
50% x 5
60% x 5

B. EMOM for 10 minutes:
Min 1: Run 180m
Min 2: Max L-Sit in 30seconds (completed at 0-30sec)

WOD: Tuesday

Reminder our Nutritional presentation will be on Wednesday at 5:30pm – be sure to book in.

For time:
1 x complex *
30 Double unders
2 x complex
60 Double unders
3 x complex
90 double unders
4 x complex
120 double-unders
5 x complex
150 double-unders
4 x complex
120 double unders
3 x complex
90 Double unders
2 x complex
60 double unders
1 x complex
30 double unders

*Complex= 3 deadlift, 2 Hang Power Clean, 1 x jerk 70/47.5kg


20 minute AMRAP:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Previous results:here

WOD: Saturday

WOD: Saturday
Five rounds (unbroken) each for load:
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 push jerks
*All 27 reps to be unbroken. (Can rest anyhow with the bar off the ground).

  • Partner up (YGIG) allowing rest btw sets and adding accountability.
  • Record weight for each round.
    40-45-50-50-50= 235kg

WOD: Friday

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for max load:
Front Squats (Taken from ground)
Run 180m

(16 minute cut-off)
*Your goal is:
1. To complete the WOD in the 16:00min time cap.
2. Strategize to move your heaviest load.
*Note:80kg complete in 15:59mins would win over 79kg completed in 14:00 mins.

Photo: Fran & Winnie. This makes me so happy- Mum and daughter twinning. I am now living through Fran as Chloe’s not so keen anymore.