The WOD's

WOD: Thursday

EMOM x 20 minutes:
Min 1: 7 Push Jerk
Min 2: 7-10 Toes to Bar

*Must be a Push-Jerk (taken from ground). Choose your own load.
*Maintain weight and toes to bar repetitions across all sets.

Photo: Chrissie. She has been working hard since returning from their around Australia travels. Still continuing to see huge improvements across the board including achieving Overhead Squats and picking up her run pace. Great work Chrissie!!!

WOD: Wednesday

A. Back Squat (5-3-1) (Cycle 3: Week 3)
75% x 5
85% x 3
95% x 1+

B. For time:
30 Goblet Squats 22.5/15kg
30 Alternating lunges 22.5/15kg
30 Air Squats
Run 200m
20 Goblet Squats 22.5/15kg
20 Alternating lunges 22.5/15kg
20 Air Squats
Run 200m
10 Goblet Squats 22.5/15kg
10 Alternating lunges 22.5/15kg
10 Air Squats
Run 200m
Compare to last time here.

Photo: This past year Sara had fought a huge battle with breast cancer. It is great to know she is well on her way to recovery. You are one strong and inspirational women!!

WOD: Tuesday

An online CrossFit competition- This three-event competition will include a lift, a gymnastics component, and a CrossFit AMRAP.
Select the Track which best suits your abilities.

Track 1:
1-rep-max clean, 4-minute time frame
Rest 2 minutes,

Max bar muscle-ups in 4 minutes
Rest 2 minutes, then,

AMRAP in 8 minutes of:
30 double-unders
8 single-arm dumbbell push presses (left arm) 22.5/15kg
8 single-arm dumbbell push presses (right arm) 22.5/15kg
8 lateral burpees over the dumbbell

Track 2:
1-rep-max clean, 4-minute time frame
Rest 2 minutes,

Max pull-ups in 4 minutes
Rest 2 minutes,

AMRAP in 8 minutes of:
20 double-unders
6 single-arm dumbbell push presses (left arm) 22.5/15kg
6 single-arm dumbbell push presses (right arm) 22.5/15kg
6 burpees

Track 3:
1-rep-max clean, 4-minute time frame
Rest 2 minutes,

Max ring rows in 4 minutes
Rest 2 minutes, then,

AMRAP in 8 minutes of:
20 single-unders
5 single-arm dumbbell push presses (left arm) 15/10kg
5 single-arm dumbbell push presses (right arm) 15/10kg
5 burpees

WOD: Monday

Three x 3 minute rounds:
Min 0-1: Max reps/Cal
Min 1-3: Rest/45sec Plank
*Apply this format to Bike/Row/10m Shuttle Run

Eg. Complete max row 0-1mins. During minute 1-3 min complete 45sec plank, then rest remainder. Repeat for 3 rounds on each activity.

9 minutes on each station (3 rounds) then move onto the next.
Total 27 mins of work.

Photo: Jesse & Chloe with their Olympic Lifting Coach Barry Harden from Sunshine Coast Weightlifting Club at the All Schools Weightlifting Championships. So proud of their efforts!!

WOD: Saturday

A. Increment for 10 minutes:
2 Dumbbell Snatch
5 x 15m Shuttle Runs
2 Dumbbell Push Press
5 x 15m Shuttle Runs


WOD: Friday

For time:
150 Wallball 9/6kg
75 Power Cleans 60/40kg
50 Burpees

*Partition reps anyhow.

Photo: Welcome on board Daniel. In a short time we have already seen huge improvement in quality of movement. Keep doing what you are doing Daniel!!!

WOD: Thursday

Partner Workout:
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
100 Cal Row
100 Cal Bike
20 x 180m Run (Alternating)
*Share work anyhow with your partner until all calories have been completed, then alternate through the run.

Photo: Who loves the bike? Tim loves the bike 😀
Partner up for some “FUN”.

WOD: Wednesday

A. Technique focus:
1 Power Snatch +
2 Snatch Balance +
3 Overhead Squats

B. Back Squats (3-3-3) (Cycle 3, Week 2)
70% x 3
80% x 3
90% x 3+

WOD: Tuesday

A. Work for 20 minutes:
Hang Power Clean + Squat Clean
*Break between reps.
*Increment or hold weight across sets.

B. For time:
50-40-30-20-10 reps:
Strict Sit-ups

WOD: Monday

Ascend for 5-4-3-2-1 minutes of :
1 x Strict Pull-ups,
1 x Wall Walk,
10 Double-unders

*Add 1-1-10 reps per round.
*Each block of work starts at 1-1-10reps
* Rest 1 minute between each block of work.

Wall Walks- Hands to contact 10″ line at wall.