An online CrossFit competition- This three-event competition will include a lift, a gymnastics component, and a CrossFit AMRAP.
Select the Track which best suits your abilities.
Track 1:
1-rep-max clean, 4-minute time frame
Rest 2 minutes,
Max bar muscle-ups in 4 minutes
Rest 2 minutes, then,
AMRAP in 8 minutes of:
30 double-unders
8 single-arm dumbbell push presses (left arm) 22.5/15kg
8 single-arm dumbbell push presses (right arm) 22.5/15kg
8 lateral burpees over the dumbbell
Track 2:
1-rep-max clean, 4-minute time frame
Rest 2 minutes,
Max pull-ups in 4 minutes
Rest 2 minutes,
AMRAP in 8 minutes of:
20 double-unders
6 single-arm dumbbell push presses (left arm) 22.5/15kg
6 single-arm dumbbell push presses (right arm) 22.5/15kg
6 burpees
Track 3:
1-rep-max clean, 4-minute time frame
Rest 2 minutes,
Max ring rows in 4 minutes
Rest 2 minutes, then,
AMRAP in 8 minutes of:
20 single-unders
5 single-arm dumbbell push presses (left arm) 15/10kg
5 single-arm dumbbell push presses (right arm) 15/10kg
5 burpees