The WOD's
WOD: Friday
Five rounds, each for time of:
Bike 25/20cal
20 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
15 Toes to bar
*Rest as necessary between rounds (approx. 6 minute cycle).
Photo: CrossFit Theoretical Hierarchy of Development – Read full article here
WOD: Thursday
CrossFit Open 17.5
10 rounds for time of:
9 Thrusters 42.5/30kg
35 Double-unders
WOD: Wednesday
A. Choose one of the following formats:
1. EMOM x 10 minutes:
Gymnastic Pull *
*Choose your own movement and repetitions.
2. Five rounds, on a 2:30 cycle:
Gymnastic Pull *
(0-2:30-5:00-7:30-10:00 minutes)
*Choose your pull movement.
Pull-ups (Strict, Kipping, C2B), Muscle-ups (Bar or Ring)
B. Partner workout:
Increment for 10 minutes:
Burpee Box Jump Over (1-2-3-4-5…)*
*YGIG format. Both partners to complete the same number before progressing on.
Photo: Dob. For those checking the whiteboard you would have noticed Dob’s name at the top of the leaderboard most days. Super dedicated to improvement it is great seeing you moving from strength to strength and even better your humble attitude in all of your achievements.
WOD: Tuesday
A. Back Squat (5-5-5) (Cycle 3, week 1)
*Calculate % below off 90% of 1RM + 10kg
65% x 5
75% x 5
85% x 5+
B. AMRAP in 15 minutes of:
Run 360m
Rest 1 minute.
WOD: Monday
A. EMOM x 4 minutes:
1 Snatch every 20seconds*
*Light load. Maintain across.
Rest 1 minute
EMOM x 4 minutes:
1 Snatch every 30 seconds *
*Moderate load. Maintain across.
Rest 1 minute
EMOM x 10 minutes:
1 Snatch *
* Build in load to a heavy single
Note: Snatch can be any style (Power or Squat).
Use the first two EMOMs as a progressive warm-up and move well.
Practice movements that will allow you to go as heavy as possible in the later EMOM.
B. Partner workout
For time:
150 Dumbbell Snatch *
*Choose your own weight
*Share reps anyhow between partners.
WOD: Saturday
“Pyramid Double Helen” (run slightly modified)
For Time:
Run 1200m
63 KB Swings 24/16kg
36 Pull Ups Run
800m 42 KB Swings
24 Pull Ups
Run 400m
21 KB Swings
12 Pull Ups
*If this looks daunting you can take the pairs option where both team mates will run but the rest of the work is shared.
Photo: Team Challenge. Shared pain is always better 😀
WOD: Friday
Five sets:
Dumbbell Bench Press 10-15 reps
Pendlay Row 8-10 reps
*Maintain weight across all sets
*Rest as necessary between movements.
Aim for 15reps bench/10reps for pendlay row on first set, and aim to hold numbers high across all sets.
Photo: Sam.
So great seeing Sam moving from strength to strength. Focusing on the foundations are always the best way forward and it is paying dividends. Awesome work Sam!!!
WOD: Thursday
In 3 minute complete:
20 Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15kg
15 Toes to Bar
Max reps Box Step Overs 22.5/15kg
Rest 3 minutes
*Repeat for 5 cycles, decrease dumbbell snatch by 2 reps each time (I.e. 20-18-16-14-12 reps)
WOD: Wednesday
A. EMOM x 4 minutes:
1 Clean, every 20seconds (Light load)
Rest 1 minute
EMOM x 4 minutes:
1 Clean, every 30 seconds (Moderate load)
Rest 1 minute
EMOM x 10 minutes: 1 Clean (Increment in weight)
B. Back Squat (Cycle 2, week 4- Deload)
40% x 5
50% x 5
60% x 5