The WOD's

WOD: Monday

Congratulations to all of our athletes that competed at the Fittest 3 on Saturday. Mark, Lloyd, Timmy, Danielle, Chantal, Nata, Chloe & Torah.
Awesome efforts by everyone. Check the members page for some great photos and video footage.

A. EMOM x 10 minutes:
3 Strict Chest to Bar Pull-ups
*Add load/maintain across 10 rounds.

B. Three rounds for time:
30 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg) (Advanced 32/24kg)
360m Run

Photo: Our three stooges- Mark, Lloyd, Timmy (Fittest 3).

WOD: Saturday

Best of luck to our awesome crew competing at Fittest 3-
“Three Stooges” Mark F (leader), Timmy & Lloyd
“WOD about Marie & Penny” – Danielle, Chan & Nata
“TBC” (aka “Weights before Dates”) – Torah, Chloe & Brandy (our teen team).
I will aim to live stream as much as possible so you can share in the action.

50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
Thrusters 20/15kg
Strict Sit-ups

WOD: Friday

Partner Workout
Ascend as far as possible in 15 minutes:
20 Burpees
20 Deadlifts *

*One partner starts on burpees the other on deadlifts. Both must complete their repetitions before swapping movements.
*Deadlifts increment in weight each round. (1st 60/40kg, 2nd 80/55kg, 3rd 100/70kg, 4th120/85kg, etc….).

WOD: Thursday

EMOM x 4 minutes:
1 Clean & Jerk every 20seconds*
*Light load. Maintain across.
Rest 1 minute
EMOM x 4 minutes:
1 Clean & Jerk every 30 seconds *
*Moderate load. Maintain across.
Rest 1 minute EMOM x 10 minutes:
1 Clean & Jerk * * Build in load to a heavy single

Note: Clean and Jerk any style (Power or Squat) (Push Jerk or Split Jerk). Use the first two EMOMs as a progressive warm-up and mover well. Practice movements that will allow you to go as heavy as possible in the later EMOM.

Photo: Glad Luke is recovering. Looks like is getting his MOJO back!!!

WOD: Wednesday

Ascend as far as possible in 30minutes:
Three rounds of:
60sec Hang
Run 360m

Three rounds of:
60sec Plank
Run 360m

Three rounds of:
30sec Flexed Arm Hang
Run 360m

Three round of:
30sec L-Sit
Run 360m

*If you complete within the time cap record your time.

Photo: A huge shout out to Tim M (our very own Spartan poster boy) for working so hard on his long distance running in anticipation of his next Spartan race. Tim achieved his 21km in just over 2hours. Well done Tim- Awesome achievement!!!

WOD: Tuesday

Three rounds for time:
30 Push Jerks 60/40kg *
30 Toes to Bar

*Scaling: Work capacity test of 12-15reps on the first set of Push Jerk.

WOD: Monday

A. Back Squat (Cycle 1, week 4- Deload)
40% x 5
50% x 5
60% x 5

B. For time:
30 Goblet Squats 22.5/15kg
30 Alternating lunges 22.5/15kg
30 Air Squats
Run 200m
20 Goblet Squats 22.5/15kg
20 Alternating lunges 22.5/15kg
20 Air Squats
Run 200m
10 Goblet Squats 22.5/15kg
10 Alternating lunges 22.5/15kg
10 Air Squats
Run 200m
Compare to last time here.

WOD: Saturday

Note: 8am session is Mobility 101- 7 GREEN LIGHTS!!
Test your range of motion through the 7 Key Positions (Have you got 7 GREEN LIGHTS and full functionality or have you got RED lights that are limiting you?
Identify any restrictions and leave with a plan for improvement.
If you have any niggles or movement restrictions aim to prioritize this session.

20 – 2 reps for time:
Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15kg
*Complete 5 x 15m Shuttle runs between sets.
*Rep scheme 20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2

WOD: Friday

30-20-10-5 reps for load:
Thrusters *

*Aim for the heaviest weight for unbroken sets. Increment for each set.
*Cut off 30 minutes- Use it all.
*Repetitions to be completed unbroken for RXD.

Photo: Welcome to Carol. Great having you with us.

WOD: Thursday

EMOM x 20 minutes:
Minute 1: Turkish Get-ups (1 per side) *
Minute 2: Strict toes to bar *

*Choose your own load and repetition and maintain across all round.