The WOD's

WOD: Tuesday

Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3
Push Press 3-3-3-3
Push Jerk 3-3-3-3
*Aim to increment up in weight on each of the 12 sets.
*Rest sufficiently between sets for good recovery.
*Bar is to be taken from the ground.

WOD: Monday

We could not be more excited to have you back in the box tomorrow. Please remember classes will be capped so be sure to book in via Mindbody.

A huge thank you to our amazing crew once again for being flexible and keeping one another on track. We are certainly feeling grateful for the love and support we have received.
Equipment return– please bring any borrowed equipment back to the gym Monday before or after scheduled classes. Please contact Marie if any issues.

For max repetitions:
5 minutes: Wall Ball 9/6kg
4 minutes: Burpees
3 minutes: Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg *
2 minutes: Pull-ups
1 minute: Double-unders

*Advanced athletes scaled up to 32/24kg Kettlebell

WOD: Saturday

Grab your partner and ZOOM with us. Warm-up, WOD Brief and movement videos all on the Members page.

Warm-up: Partner
Two cycle through:
Shuttle Run x 6
1. Bow & Bend, ankle & hip mobility
2. Squat rotations
3. Hollow hold/Superman
*One partner on run/other of movements. Get your communication dialed in!!

ZOOM Partner WOD:
This may require you to join in early to ensure there are no technical issues. This could be a huge success or massive fail- FUN either way!!!

Two rounds for as many reps as possible of:
2 mins: Burpees/Plank Hold
Rest 1 min
2 mins: Toes to Kettlebell or Toes to bar / Overhead hold
Rest 1 min
2 mins: Shoulder to Overhead / Wall Squat
Rest 1 min
2 mins: Goblet Squats or Pistols/ Hollow hold
Rest 1 min

*One partner must hold static movement for repetitions to be accumulated.
* Share repetitions any how between you and your partner.
* Repetitions will be recorded as one continuous count.
Partners must ensure they can see/hear each other while performing movements/ holds.

WOD: Friday

Warm up:
Increment ladder in 4 minutes of:
Sit & Reach
Shuttle Run

Then, with weight-
Five rounds of:
6 Ground to Overhead
6 Lunges
*Progress towards the weight for the workout.

Five rounds for time of:
Run 200m
30m Overhead Lunge (Single arm or plate)
Run 200m
45 sec plank hold

*Run out for approx. 30sec/back 30sec = 1 minute effort
*Choose a weight and overhead option that allows for a challenging effort (no more than 1 break to get through the 30m)
* Aim for unbroken plank

Scale: *If your lunges need work don’t add load (I.e. Body weight only) or Substitute with Squats.

WOD: Thursday

Warm up:
2 Rounds of:
Bearcrawl 10m
High knee/Boots to Glutes/Side step
Spiderman 10m
High knee/Boots to Glutes/Side step

3 Rounds of:
10 Toyota Jumps
5 Push-ups
Shuttle Run 4 x 10m


Increment as far as possible in 10 minutes of:
Dumbbell Snatch (per side) (1-2-3-4-5…)
Dumbbell facing Burpees (1-2-3-4-5…)
8 x 10m Shuttle Run

*Record total reps achieved Eg. 9/11 Burpees.

REST 3 Minutes

Decreasing reps for time of:
What you achieved in Part A.
Eg. Achieved 9/11 Burpees-
Complete 9 Burpees, 11 Dumbbell Snatch, 8 Shuttle Runs,
10 Burpees, 10 Dumbbell Snatch, 8 Shuttle Runs.
Continue all the way back down finishing at 1 Dumbbell Snatch.

*This WOD is not to be gamed. Work hard on Part A. Establish your own benchmark, and aim to finish as quick as possible in Part B.
*Regardless of ability Part B allows all athletes to take on a challenge relative to their ability.

WOD: Wednesday

Alternate for 18 minutes:
Minute 1: Thrusters/Kettlebell Swings
Minute 2: 10 x 10m Shuttle Runs

Minute 1: 5-10-15-20-25-20-15-10-5 repetitions
Minute 2: 10x10m Shuttle Run (held across)

*Choose movement based upon your available equipment:
Thrusters: Dumbbells or Barbell.
Kettlebell Swings: Kettlebell

*Choose a weight that is challenging for the rounds of 20-25-20 repetitions.
*WOD is for completion. Record any missed repetitions throughout the WOD. Eg. 18/20, 18/25.

Photo: Our first Coastal CrossFit KIDS ZOOM was awesome. Thank you to our great bunch of kids. Our KIDS ZOOM will run each Monday & Wednesday 3:30- 4:15pm while we are lockdown.

WOD: Tuesday

A huge thank you to our amazing community who have shown unwavering support for us and one another.
Loan of equipment has started. Members please complete the Lockdown training and equipment form (Facebook members page) and nominate your chosen equipment and training option. To ensure the love is shared, all members will receive at least 2 pieces of equipment before any additional issues.

It has been great to see so many new faces on ZOOM- Welcome Mark M & Barb. We recommend giving it a try before you dismiss it- it is always fun with our crew. Remember other training options are also available.

Two rounds for reps:
2 minutes: Single skips (aim for unbroken)
2 minutes: Max burpees
2 minutes: Single skips (aim for unbroken)
2 minutes: Max repetition Grasshoppers
2 minutes: Single skips (aim for unbroken)
2 minutes: Max Candlesticks

*Focus should be on quality/full range of motion.

WOD: Monday

All members should have received an email- if you haven’t be sure to contact Marie. Warm-up/ WOD Brief/Demo videos have been posted to Facebook members. ZOOM timings and links have been posted.
Please book in via Mindbody so I can send the links direct to you.

A. EMOM x 5 minutes:
Plank 30 seconds on/off

B. Increment as far as possible in 12 minutes:
5/3 Push-ups *
10 Alternating Lunges (Add weight) *
35 Double-unders

*Increment Push-ups each round (Males 5-10-15-20…) (Females 3-6-9-12-15…)
* Increment Lunges x 10 each round (10-20-30-40…) Add weight

Maintain Double-unders numbers across all rounds.

WOD: Saturday

In honor of Sean Williams who ventures off for a new life in Sweden we have come up with a WOD consisting of his favourite movements. We wish you all the best in your new adventures- it has been great having you with us at Coastal CrossFit.

“The Sean”
20 minute AMRAP of:
1 Bar Muscle up
3 Power Cleans 60/40kg
5 Deadlifts
Run 100m

WOD: Friday

A. On a 4 minute cycle:
3 x 400m row
1 minute transition
3 x 800m bike

*Aim for consistency in pace (I.e. No more than a 10 second spread)
Record fastest and slowest + Total work time (for both row and bike)

B. For time:
Males: 30-24-18-12-6 Push-ups (unbroken)
Females: 20-16-12-8-4 Push-ups (unbroken)
8 minute cut-off.

*Rest as necessary between efforts. Needs to be completed within 8 minute time cap.