WOD: Friday
A. Snatch + Snatch Balance + Overhead Squats
B. “Nancy”
Five rounds for time:
Run 400m
15 Overhead Squats 42.5/30kg
Compare to last time here
A. Snatch + Snatch Balance + Overhead Squats
B. “Nancy”
Five rounds for time:
Run 400m
15 Overhead Squats 42.5/30kg
Compare to last time here
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
6 Deadlift 80/50kg
8 Burpees
Run 100m
or Active recovery:
20 minute bike/row
20 minute stretch
15-20 minute sauna
Wishing the most wonderful 18th birthday to our beautiful Chloe.
From an 8 week premature baby to the strongest, most amazing human I know.
To say we are proud of the women you have become is an understatement!! Your spirit, kindness, humility, dedication and discipline are beyond your years. You inspire us to be the best we can be and we are so very blessed to be travelling this journey with you.
At such a young age you have achieved more than we could even dream of and this is just your beginning… Keep reaching for the stars!!
We love and adore you!!! Your greatest supporters – Mum, Dad & Jesse. xoxoxo
A. For time:
Run 3.2km
B. Max repetition wall ball in 7 minutes 9/6kg
Photo: Wishing Deb all the best at the Masters League Games in Orange this weekend. We will be thinking of you 💕
A. Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5+ (WEEK 3 of 4 Progression)
*Increment weight from set 1 to 4. Hold weight across set 4-5 aiming for maximum repetitions on set 5.
Aim to improve on previous results
*Guide: If you achieved more than 8 repetitions on your final set last time aim to increase weight in set 4-5.
B. In groups of three:
Two rounds for time:
Echo 1000m/60second plank/Rest
Row 400m/30 second Flexed arm hang/Rest
*Complete 2 rounds on Echo, then 2 rounds on row (or vice versa)
A. Clean & Jerk Technique
1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Jerk (Any style)
B. AMRAP in 10 minutes:
3 Wall Walks
5 Strict Pull-ups
15 Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
Photo: Welcome on board Gail😀
Both 7am & 8am sessions will run.
To allow us to best manage classes please ensure you have booked into your session. Thank you for your co-operation.
Three rounds for total repetitions:
1 minute: Max Wallball 9/6kg
1 minute: Max Burpees
1 minute: Max Box Step-ups 22.5/15kg 20″
1 minute: Max Ball Slams 20kg/12kg
1 minute: Max 10m Shuttle Runs
1 minute: Rest
Photo: A shout out to Ash who has been working skill development towards ring muscle-ups. Yesterday it all came together!!!
A. Bench Press
*Increment weight from set 1 to 4. Hold weight across set 4-5 aiming for maximum repetitions on set 5.
Aim to improve on previous results
B. 25-20-15-10-5 reps for time of:
Unbroken Gymnastics Push/50 Double-unders
*Choose a push movement that allows for unbroken repetitions
Scale: Break repetitions
A. Complex
5 cycles: (Build in load)
3 Deadlift + 3 Hang Power Cleans + 3 Front Squats
5 cycles: (Hold load)
2 Deadlift + 2 Hang Power Cleans + 2 Front Squats
B. AMRAP in 12 minutes:
3 Devils Press 2 x 22.5/15kg
6 Toes to Bar
12 Lunges
Photo: Phil – just all round legend 😄 Thank you @GrantWilliamsPhoto
A. Push Jerk 30-20-10-5 reps for load.
*Aim to increase load for each set.
Compare to last time here
B. Aerobic conditioning:
Run canal loop 3.2km
Run 2km
Photo: Missing this legend in the box. Hope to see you soon Taz.
Every 5 minutes for 4 cycles:
Run 560m
AMRAP in remaining time:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
Photo: Just one of my favs of Danielle. Thank you @grantwilliamsphoto