The WOD's

WOD: Thursday

Olympic lifting sessions will kick off in place of the 5:30pm.
This is a technique session suitable for all abilities. Be sure to book in via Mindbody.

A. 7-10 sets of:
Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean

B. Back Squat (5-3-1) (Cycle 3: Week 3)
75% x 5
85% x 3
95% x 1+
*Reminder- during cycle 3 we have added 10kg to our 1RM, and use 90% of this for our percentages. 

WOD: Wednesday

Three, six minute rounds of:
2 minutes max calorie bike
2 minutes max calorie row
2 minutes max Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15kg

Rest 6 minutes

Photo: Jael – always smiling and making everything appear “fun” even when you know it’s not.

WOD: Tuesday

20 minute AMRAP:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Photo: Sara. Looking forward to having this smile back in the box.

WOD: Monday

Five sets for max load:
1 Strict Press + 3 Push Press + 5 Push Jerk

*Increase or maintain load as required.

FITTEST 3- Date 4th September. Let’s get our teams organized.

WOD: Saturday

Pyramid for time:
Run 180m
10 Pull-ups
Run 360m
10 Pull-ups
20 Ground to Overhead (20/15kg Plate)
Run 560m
10 Pull-ups
20 Ground to Overhead
30 Overhead lunge
Run 800m
30 Overhead lunge
20 Ground to Overhead
10 Pull-ups
Run 560m
20 Ground to Overhead
10 Pull-ups
Run 360m
10 Pull-ups
Run 180m

Photo: A couple of the best smiles around 😀 Mark & Nata at Torian Pro.

WOD: Friday

A. Back Squat (Cycle 3, week 2)
70% x 3
80% x 3
90% x 3+
*Reminder- during cycle 3 we have added 10kg to our 1RM, and use 90% of this for our percentages. 

B. Partner workout:
Increment as far as possible in 9 minutes:
Deadlift 3-6-9-12…) 70/45kg
10 Strict Sit-ups

*One partner completes the deadlift while the other completes the sit-ups, then swap. Your partner must complete their activity prior to swapping.
Both partners complete 3 deadlifts, and sit-ups before increasing.
*Sit-up repetitions remain the same throughout.

Photo: A shout out to Torah. 16 years old, currently studying year 11&12 (via correspondence) and completing her certificate in Fitness at the same time. She is smashing training and choosing her own path through life. Awesome work!!

WOD: Thursday

A. Ten sets of:
Muscle Snatch +
Hang Power Snatch +
Hang Squat Snatch
* Complete as a set and build in weight.

B. For time:
24-18-12 reps of:
Single dumbbell Overhead Squats *

*Choose your own weight that allows for good movement.
Repetitions to be split evenly between sides but can be broken into smaller sets. Eg. 24 reps (12 reps each side: 6 left, 6 right, 6 left, 6 right).

WOD: Wednesday

Advance for 20 minutes:
1 Deadball Over the Shoulder 45/30kg
5 Second Flexed Arm Hang
Run 100m
*Add 1 DBOTS and 5 seconds to the FAH each round.

WOD: Tuesday

A. Bent over row 5 x 8-10 repetitions
*Rest 2 minutes between efforts

*Select a weight and maintain across, allowing for quality/repeatable movement.

B. 12 minute AMRAP:
Row 200m
75 Double-unders
Air bike 400m
20/15 Push-ups

WOD: Monday

We are back from our family holiday. A huge thank you to Gill, Kaya and Tom for taking on the extra sessions for the week to allow us to get away with the fam. We are so grateful.
We had an amazing time, refreshed and ready to get back into the box.

Five rounds for time:
10 x Front Squat + Push Jerk 55/37.5kg
15 Toes to bar

Photo: Leandro using his fitness to entertain the kids- Winning himself some new socks for “Funky Sock Friday”.
My apologies for the poor quality had to screen shot this off his video which was much more entertaining. The giggles from the girls make this so much better!!