The WOD's

WOD: Saturday

3 x 5 minutes rounds for max reps at each station:
0 – 2 min: Run 360m then double-unders
2-3 min: Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15kg
3-4 min: Burpees
4-5 min: Dumbbell Thrusters 2 x 15kg, 2 x 10kg

Rest 5 minutes between rounds.

WOD: Friday

Five rounds for max repetitions:
Shoulder to Overhead 2/3, 3/4 BW

*Rest as necessary between movements.

Photo: Sharni. Since returning Sharni has shown awesome commitment and positivity. That along with her coachability has seen her constant progression. Awesome work Sharni!!!

WOD: Thursday

A. Back Squat (Calculated upon 90% 1RM) 65% x 5 75% x 5 85% x 5+ * *Complete the max reps at 85% B. Wall Ball 50-40-30 reps. *Rest 1 minute between sets. * Aim for unbroken sets. Photo: Leigh - Absolutely killing it during the Open. She is always prepared to give anything ago and keeps us laughing the whole way. She doesn't take herself to seriously and is always the first one to take the conversation to the gutter- just the way we like it!!!

WOD: Wednesday

For time:
2km Bike
20 Deadball Over Shoulder 45/30kg
1km Row
20 Deadball Over Shoulder 45/30kg
2km Run

Photo: Mike Greeff.
Stepping outside of your comfort zone (physically and mentally) in training prepares you to take on any challenge life can throw your way. Sharing the pain with friends makes the journey better!!!

WOD: Tuesday

25-20-15-10-5 reps for time of:
Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (2 x 22.5/2 x 15kg)
Toes to Bar

Photo: Tim M. Our very own Spartan poster boy!! Thanks to Paul for the photo.

WOD: Monday

Let’s build strength!!!
This will mark the start of our Back Squat progression so we encourage you all to attend.

A. 1RM Back Squat

B. Advance for 7 minutes:
5 Push ups
5 Strict Sit ups
*Add 5 repetitions to each movement per round.

Photo: Congratulations to Nate on completing the CrossFit Open Qualifier over the weekend. Awesome work Nate- you should be so proud of your continued achievements.

WOD: Saturday

Partner Workout:
Three rounds for time:
Run 360m
15 Deadlift 100/70kg
Run 360m
15 Deadball over shoulder 45/30kg
Run 360m
30 Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15kg

*One partner on the run, the other on the movement. Both partners need to complete their activity before swapping.

Photo: Leanne. We witnessed so many achievements during the Open. It was amazing and inspiring seeing Leanne rebuilding her confidence during this time – some of my favourite moments seeing her achieve Chest to bar pull-ups, and PB her Clean & Jerk.

WOD: Friday

In three minutes:
30 Wall Ball 9/6kg
50 Double-unders
Max Burpees (onto 20kg plate)
Rest 3 minutes

In three minutes:
26 Wall Ball 9/6kg
50 Double-unders
Max Burpees (onto 20kg plate)
Rest 3 minutes

In three minutes:
22 Wall Ball 9/6kg
50 Double-unders
Max Burpees (onto 20kg plate)
Rest 3 minutes

In three minutes:
18 Wall Ball 9/6kg
50 Double-unders
Max Burpees (onto 20kg plate)

Photo: Brad & Greg. I love this photo. Two best mates training hard, supporting each other and learning new tricks. Inspiration guarantee!!

WOD: Thursday

For total time:
Run 180m
Plank 1 minute
Run 360m
Plank 1 minute
Run 560m
Plank 1 minute
Run 800m
Plank 1 minute
Run 560m
Plank 1 minute
Run 360m
Plank 1 minute
Run 180m

Photo: Luke B bringing full heart to his team (WOD WANKERS) during the final showdown. A huge thank you for everything you bring to our community.

WOD: Wednesday

A. Five rounds for load: 1 Press 3 Push Press 5 Push Jerks Photo: Paula. This lady never ceases to amaze me with her love, encouragement and selflessness. You bring so much to everyone and always brighten my day!!