WOD: Tuesday
What a great weekend. It has been amazing having some downtime with our family. A huge thank you to Tom for stepping in to give us a break. We are sad to say goodbye to Tom (last sessions today) but happy he is persuing his passion for yoga. Best of luck Tom- enjoy your next adventure.
A. Front Squat (taken from the ground) 5-5-5-5-5 B. Tabata (8 rounds 20sec on/10 sec off) Row (cal) Toes to bar Air Squats *Rest 1 minute between stations)Photo: Taz hitting a pb during Open 21.4. A huge shout out to Andy for capturing this moment. We are so grateful to have two amazing photographers in house capturing the moments and emotions of training. The open has provided so many of these – it is so awesome to be able to re-live them. Thank you Grant and Andy.