The WOD's

WOD: Saturday

50 Box Step Overs 22.5/15kg (20″ box)
40 Wall Ball 9/6kg
30 Push Jerk 60/40kg
Run 2km (to Weir and back)
30 Push Jerk
40 Wall Ball
50 Box Step Overs

WOD: Friday

In 3 minutes: 21 Deadlifts Run 180m Max reps Pull-ups. Rest 3 minutes. In 3 minutes: 15 Deadlifts Run 180m Max reps Pull-ups. Rest 3 minutes. In 3 minutes: 9 Deadlifts Run 180m Max reps Pull-ups. Rest 3 minutes. In 3 minutes: 15 Deadlifts Run 180m Max reps Pull-ups. Rest 3 minutes. In 3 minutes: 21 Deadlifts Run 180m Max reps Pull-ups. Rest 3 minutes. In 3 minutes: 21 Deadlifts Run 180m Max reps Pull-ups. Rest 3 minutes. *Deadlift weight selection will be discussed in the box. Weight guides will be provided based upon ability level. Photo: Congratulations to Lou who joined our 500 CLUB and received her 500 CLUB shirt. 500 Attendances at Coastal CrossFit. Commitment, dedication, discipline. Awesome work Lou!!!

WOD: Thursday

A. Push Press 3-3-3-3-3-3-3

B. For time: 25-20-15-10-5 burpees
60 sec plank after each set.

ROMWOD- Recovery session. Long version of ROMWOD will run at all sessions. This can be booked in via Mindbody and will add to your attendance record.

WOD: Wednesday

Five rounds for time of:
Run 360m
20 Hang Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15kg
14 Toes to Bar

WOD: Tuesday

A. Ten sets:
Power Clean + 2 Front Squats

B. Two cycles of EMOM x 5 mins:
Touch and go Power Cleans 2-4-6-8-10 repetitions
* Rest between cycles
* Lighter weight for first cycle (hold weight).
* Medium/heavy weight for second cycle (hold weight).

Photo: Saturday ROMWOD.

WOD: Monday

A. Death by:
Min 1. Gymnastic pull
Min 2. Gymnastic push
*Complete 1 pull on the first minute, 1 push on the second minute. Increase repetitions by one rep each round until failure.
* Choose your movements to allow for approximately 10 rounds (20 minutes).

B. Increment as far as possible in 10 minutes: Double-unders (10-20-30…) *Increment in 10 repetitions at a time. Repetitions need to be unbroken to count.

WOD: Saturday

For max reps:
5 minutes: Squats
4 minutes: Pull-ups
3 minutes: Push-ups
2 minutes: Strict sit-ups
1 minute: Double-unders
*Record total repetitions


WOD: Friday

A. Overhead Squats 5 x 10
* Taken from the ground
* Maintain weight across all sets
B. CrossFit Open 12.1
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
Burpees (6″ jump and touch)

WOD: Thursday

Choose your own adventure:

ROMWOD: Long version, or

Bench Press 30-20-10-5 reps for load.
*Rest as necessary between sets.

WOD: Wednesday

Reminder: Aden from Body Mechanics will be running an information session at 5:30pm. Open gym will be running in the opposite room.

A. Five sets: 12 Front rack Lunges *Rest as necessary between rounds. B. Three rounds of: 0-2 minutes 1. Run 180m Max seconds unbroken Flexed arm hang 2-4 minutes 2. Run 180m Max seconds unbroken plank