The WOD's

WOD: Thursday

Wishing everyone a wonderful New Year. We are looking forward to sharing a great 2021 with you all.

Reminder we have a reduced timetable this week.
This is a flexible week- Open gym and WOD options available.
7:30-8:30am with Mark.

Suggested WOD:

3 Rounds for time:
30 Squat Cleans 42.5/30kg
30/22 Push-ups
Run 800m

Photo: Lloyd- one of my favourite photos. A picture paints 1000 words. Thank you Grant Williams.

WOD: Wednesday

Great work to all of those that have been attending sessions and or posting their home WODs to our members page. Your efforts will assist in inspiring others to keep moving throughout this time. Remember 20 minutes can make a difference.

Reminder we have a reduced timetable this week.
This is a flexible week- Open gym and WOD options available.
7:30-8:30am with Mark.

Suggested WODs.
Pick 1 or more of the suggested WODs.

A. Overhead Squats 5-5-5-5-5
*Work from racks if your Snatch is limiting factor.

B. Pyramid for time:
Wall Ball 9/6kg (4-8-12-16-20-16-12-8-4 reps)
Toes to bar (3-6-9-12-15-12-9-6-3 reps)

C. Death by pull/push
Complete 1 pull & 1 push on 1st minute, rest out remainder of the minute. Complete 2 pull/push on the 2nd minute, rest out remainder of minute.
*Choose a pull and push movement you have the ability to get multiple repetitions and stay in the game as long as possible.

Photo: So great to have our crew sharing photos of their activities over the holidays. Elyse completing their trail run – photo courtesy of Tim M.

WOD: Tuesday

Reminder we have a reduced timetable this week.
Open gym and WOD options available.
7:30-8:30am with Mark.

Suggested WODs.
Pick 1 or more of the suggested WODs below. Aim to mix over the next week (E.g. Not all weightlifting sessions) A. Four rounds for time:
Run 360m
20 Kettlebell swings 24/16kg
10 Pull-ups B. 4 x 8-10 Reverse front rack lunge (per side).
*Complete all reps on one side then the other.
* Pick a challenging weight that allows for quality movement.
* Aim to hold weight across all sets.

C. Weightlifting
2 cycles:
0-4 minutes: light weight
5-9 minutes: moderate weight
Alternate every 30 seconds:
1 Power Clean & Push Press
1 Clean & Jerk
Rest 1 minute
10-20 minutes:
1 Clean & Jerk (or push press)*
*Increment as good movement allows.
*Pick your strongest movements - power or squat Clean, push press or jerk.

WOD: Monday

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with friends and family.
Reminder we have a reduced timetable this week.
Open gym and WOD options available.
7:30-8:30am with Mark.

Suggested WODs:
Pick one or more of the following.

Front Squats
7 x 3reps (1 pause +2 reps) *
*2 second pause on first repetition + 2 normal pace)

Gymnastic EMOM x 14 minutes:
Min 1. 'X' Gymnastic pull
Min 2. 'X' Gymnastic push
*Pick a pull/push movement and repetitions. Maintain across 7 rounds.
*Think foundations and be mindful of total volume.

5 X 400m row (1:1) *
*Alternate with a partner
*Aim to maintain no more than a 10second spread across all efforts.
WeightliftingClean or Snatch (Power or Squat)
0-4 minutes:
1 rep every 20sec (maintain light weight across)
Rest 1 minute
5-9 minutes:
1 rep every 30sec (maintain moderate weight across)
Rest 1 minute
10-20 minutes (EMOM)
1 rep every 60 seconds (Increment as movement allows)
Photo: Cal during "12 Days of Christmas". Many thanks to Grant Williams for making an extra trip to the box as our photographer.

Merry Christmas

From our family to yours-
Wishing you and your loved ones a safe and magical Christmas!!!

To the wonderful people who make our community what it is – Thank you.
2020 was a challenging year but we have come through as a community stronger than ever.
Your resilience, adaptability, love and support have shone through over this time – nothing can hold you back!!

Be kind, spread love. Enjoy the festive season and get ready for a ripper 2021!!!

Lots of love, The Saliba’s (Marie, Chris, Chloe & Jesse).

WOD: Thursday

Come in for a final suprise WOD before Christmas at 8am.

Open gym from 8am-9:30am.

Photo: Brad passing our member contributions to Urban Angels. Thank you for sharing hope and love this Christmas.

WOD: Wednesday

Partner Workout:
100 Overhead Squats 50/35kg
100 Toes to Bar
100 Power Cleans 50/35kg
100 Burpees
*All work is shared between partners.
*You may perform in any order.

WOD: Tuesday

For time:
Row 1000m
Run 2000m
300 Double-unders

WOD: Monday

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Compare to last time here

WOD: Saturday

Come on in for a surprise last Saturday team WOD before Christmas. You definitely don’t want to miss this one!!!

Awesome work to everyone that completed the “12 Days of Christmas”. It was such a great day/evening.

A special thank you to Grant Williams who put together “A year in review” for us. Keep an eye on the members page for this one.

Photo: Chantal (one of my favourite humans in the world) completing the “12 Days of Christmas”. She is always able to put things into perspective and sees the best in every situation – thank you Chan for always being no fuss, real and positive.