The WOD's

WOD: Thursday

A. EMOM x 20 minutes:
Min 1. Turkish Get-ups (1 per side)
Min 2. 20 Strict sit-ups
Min 3. Turkish Get-ups (1 per side)
Min 4. 30 sec. plank


Photo: Chrissie.
Joining Coastal CrossFit approximately 8 months ago (only a couple of weeks prior to COVID gym closures) this lady has never ceased to amaze me with her attitude and dedication to becoming the best version of herself. Moving from strength to strength- she is a perfect example that attitude not age is most important. Awesome work Chrissie!!

WOD: Wednesday

0-5 minutes:
Row 1000m
5-15 minutes EMOM
15 Kettlebell swings 24/16kg
15 minutes - until failure
Death by 10m shuttle runs*
*Start at 10x10m

Photo: Brad working Snatch. Always some big weights thrown around with this guy in the house.

WOD: Tuesday

Three rounds for time of:
45 Wall ball 9/6kg
30 Pull-ups
15 Power Cleans 70/47.5kg

*Goal is for unbroken repetitions.
* Any break in repetitions will incur a 10 burpee penalty, excluding the completion of a movement.

Photo: Penny. This women is electrified!!!
Thanks for the photo Mark B.

WOD: Monday

A. Overhead Squats 5-5-5-5-5
* Pause on the 1st and 5th repetition.

B. Three efforts, each for time:
Air bike 30/22 cal
* Rest between efforts

WOD: Saturday

Team workout (team of 2-3 people)

For time:
Row 750m/Run 560m
Row 750m/125 Burpees
Row 750m/150 Dumbbell Snatch (Alt) 22.5/15kg
Row 750m/200 Alt overhead lunge 20/15kg plate.

*Row - one member rowing at a time.
*All other movements - all members can work at the same time until all repetitions completed. No min/max requirements.

Photo: Deb.
Starting with us at Bootcamp in 2015, then making the switch to CrossFit 2017 she has not looked back. Constantly challenging herself and setting goals. You are never too old to learn new things. Awesome work Deb!!

WOD: Friday

Ascend for 20 minutes:
1 Round of Cindy
1 Clean & Jerk 60/40kg *
*Add 1 Clean & Jerk per round

(1 Round of “Cindy” = 5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Squats)

Photo: Coach Mark congratulating Jo.
The winner of the Nutritional 4 week quantity challenge is… Joanne Holt. Well done mate. You killed it. Jo stuck to her plan almost to the gram and most importantly put in the work required. You took on this challenge like you do all your workouts, with incredible determination.
Congratulations Jo!!!

WOD: Thursday

A. Front Squats 7-7-7-7
* Bar to be cleaned from the the ground.

B. Increment as far as possible in 10 minutes:
Double-unders (10-20-30...)
*Increment in 10 repetitions at a time. Repetitions need to be unbroken to count.

Photo: Coach Mark. Always smiling as he smashes the workouts.

WOD: Wednesday

Tabata (8 x 20 on/10 off):
Toes to bar
*Rest 1 minute between movements

Photo: Mick W.
Mastering the overhead squat can take time but the rewards are endless.

WOD: Tuesday

A. Push Press 5 x 5

B. Three rounds for time:
30/20 Push-ups
Farmers carry 200m (24/16kg) Photo: Lachie is smashing it in the box!! His focus on developing his technique in Olympic lifting and gymnastics is paying dividends. Keep up the awesome efforts!!

WOD: Monday

Four rounds for time of:
15 Dumbbell Squat Cleans 22.5/15kg
15 Chest to bar pull-ups
Run 560m

Photo: Sara and Izzy. A great end to an awesome morning. Thank you to everyone that came along and/or supported our Breast Cancer awareness morning. So proud and greatful for our amazing community. Thank you.