The WOD's

WOD: Tuesday

A. 6 sets: Max reps Pull-ups/Chin ups
*Alternate between pull-ups & chin ups on each set.

B. Ascend for 12 minutes:
5 Toes to Bar
20 Double-unders
10 Toes to Bar
40 Double-unders
15 Toes to Bar
60 Double-unders
*Continue to add 5/20 per round until 12 minutes.

Photo: Bede. There is never a dull session with this guy. Thankyou for keeping us on our toes and always bringing a smile to my face. This WOD is for you 😀

WOD: Monday

Three rounds of:
0-2 minutes:
20 Dumbbell Push Press 22.5/15kg
2-4 minutes:
30 Strict sit-ups
4-6 minutes:
30 Goblet Squats 22.5/15kg
6-8 minutes:
20 Dumbbell Snatch
8-10 minutes:

Photo: Nathan Selleck (Nate). Always putting in the hard yards and pushing himself to be better every day. He is a huge inspiration with his abilities, humility and his encouragement. It is so great having you back!!

WOD: Saturday

Come on in for a partner/team WOD.

Partner workout.

6 Rounds for time of:
10 Deadball over the shoulder 45/30kg
30 sec plank

Rest 2 minutes
6 Rounds for time of:
12/10 cal bike
30 sec dead hang

Rest 2 minutes
6 Rounds for time of:
10 Push Press 22.5/15kg
30 second ring front support

*One partner to complete a full round while other partner rests. Each partner to complete 3 rounds each.

Photo: Elise. Putting in the extra work and effort and reaping the rewards. Awesome work – achieving personal best on back squats and pistols squats. Thanks to Mark B for the photo.

WOD: Friday

A. Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5

B. EMOM X 12 minutes:
1. 10 x 10m Shuttle run
2. 15 Russian Kettlebell swings 32/24kg
3. 15 Toes to kettlebell

Photo: When a "fun" game becomes competitive. Thanks to GW Photography.

WOD: Thursday

Five rounds for time of:
7 Bar Muscle-ups
21 Burpees (onto 20kg plate)

Photo: Jesse practicing Cleans under the watchful eye of Chris. Thanks to Mark B for the photo.

WOD: Wednesday

Complete five cycles:
In 4 min complete:
Bike 20/15 cal
Run 360m
Max plank
* Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
* Score is seconds in plank.

Photo: Sharni. Welcome back to this ray of sunshine. Back at Coastal after a couple of years away she has a new lease on life and a focus to be the healthiest version of herself. So great to have you back.

WOD: Tuesday

Six rounds, each for time:
20 Dumbbell deadlift 22.5/15kg
16 Dumbbell Lunge 22.5/15kg
12 Dumbbell Push Press 22.5/15kg

Photo: Danielle working pistol squats during Friday skills session. Continuing with high attendance, putting in the extra yards with the Olympic lifting and gymnastics sessions she continues to move from strength to strength. Awesome work Danielle!!!

WOD: Monday

For time:
Row 1000m
50 Thrusters 20/15kg
30 Pull-ups

Photo: Russell. Champion effort on getting his first ring Muscle-ups (strict). Photo courtesy of Mark B.

WOD: Saturday

10-1 reps for time of:
Front Squat 70/45kg
*Perform 10/7 Push-ups + 180m Run after each round.

WOD: Friday

For time:
50 Pull-ups100 Kettlebell swings
Run 2240m (4 X 560m loop)
Photo: Hanh. A relatively new face in the box but not new to CrossFit. Great to have you with us!!