The WOD's

WOD: Friday

7 x 2 minute efforts:
Row 300/250m
Max rep double unders

Rest between rounds.

Photo: Fran. One of ladies who continues to challenge herself, resulting in continued achievements. Get yourself uncomfortable- force your mind and body to adapt. It is so great seeing your progression Fran. Keep up the great work!!

WOD: Thursday

For time:
50 Kettlebell swings 32/24kg
40 Toes to bar
30 Cal bike
20 Handstand push-ups
10 Bar Muscle-ups

Photo: Mark B. We are super happy to have this awesome guy as part of our Coaching crew. Giving some in house competition and keeping you all on track, it feels like he has always been a part of our community. Thank you Mark.

WOD: Wednesday

A. Front Squat: 3-3-3-3-3

B. Pull-up: 10 x 3
*Maintain the most difficult standard/weight you are capable of across the sets.

Photo: Michaela. It was great having this lady with us. Over the past few months she has moved from strength to strength. She has now moved by to the Gold Coast for uni but we will hopefully see her back frequently.

WOD: Tuesday

Five rounds for time:
15 Snatch 35/25kg *
25 Deadlift 35/25kg *
Run 400m
*Barbell movements to be completed as unbroken touch & go sets for RXD.
*Rest as necessary between Snatch and Deadlift to achieve this goal.

Photo: Lloyd. I can always guarantee Lloyd and his competitors (Bodo and Timmy) will be at a 5:30am session when we program bench press and we love it. Thank you for keeping life exciting with your jokes, mischief and TikToks.

WOD: Monday

EMOM x 27 mins:
Min 1. Row (cal)
Min 2. Ring front support (sec)
Min 3. Rest
Min 4. Shuttle Run x 10m
Min 5. Flexed arm hang (sec)
Min 6. Rest
Min 7. Burpees (reps)
Min 8. L-sit (sec)
Min 9. Rest

Photo: Welcome back Chantal. It is awesome having you back in the box.

WOD: Saturday

20 down to 2 reps for time of:
Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15kg
Alternating OH Lunge 22.5/15kg (1/2 reps each side)
*Perform 5 x 15m Shuttle Runs between movements.

Photo: Andy. This is the man to turn too if you are wanting advice on any CrossFit purchases. He also has the best dressed feet in the box. A huge thank you for looking out for the individuals in our community when they don’t show up and helping keep them accountable. I’ll program an extra squat day just for you ?.

WOD: Friday

Five rounds for time of:
12 Dumbbell thrusters 22.5/15kg
12 Pull-ups

*Advanced athletes complete Chest to bar pull-ups.

Photo: Janine. Despite a shoulder injury we can always rely on this women to be there with a smile and ready to take on any challenge we throw her way. Shoulders may be out at the moment but there is always another way to move forward. Keep up the great work chic!!!

WOD: Thursday

Part A.
Deadlift 7 X 3

Part B.
3 Rounds for time of:
30 Kettlebell swings 24/16kg
30 Toes to kettlebell

Photo: Our very own Tims' - exclusive members of CrossFit Wolf Pack. We secretly want to join them as it seems to give them an edge (must be their custom shirts).

WOD: Wednesday

Five rounds for max repetitions:
Dumbbell Bench Press 22.5/15kg
Max rep Ring Row (Feet in line with hands)

Photo: Bodo (An oldie but a goodie). Those that know him wouldn’t be surprised to hear that despite a few months of training this guy is back to smashing the workouts. It is great having your smiling face back in the box and keeping us all on our toes.