The WOD's

WOD: Tuesday

Five rounds for time of:
Run 200m
75 Double-unders
Run 200m
10 Deadball over the shoulder 45/30kg
Run 200m
15 Burpees

Photo: Cal. This man is hard to capture mid workout but I finally did it!! Always the humble achiever it is so great having him in our sessions. I think he may also take the win for our member with the best dance moves.

WOD: Monday

AMRAP in 3-6-9 minutes:
20 Front rack lunges 50/35kg
20 Pull-ups
20 Push Jerks 50/35kg

Rest 3 mins

Photo: It is great having Jan back in the box. Let's keep you on your great roll.

WOD: Saturday

*Best of luck to Nathan Selleck and his team mate competing at Duel at Desire today.

For time:
30 cal Bike
40 Dumbbell Snatch (Alternating) 22.5/15kg
50 cal Row
60 Burpee (onto 20kg plate)

Photo: It is so great seeing Lou hitting personal best. Dialing in her nutrition and increasing her frequency of training these past few months has seen Lou hit the turning point in her training. Great work Lou, let’s keep your hot streak running.

WOD: Friday

Complete for time:
10 Strict Press 22.5/15kg
Run 400m
15 Push Press
Run 400m
20 Push Jerk
Run 400m
15 Push Press
Run 400m
10 Strict Press
*All reps to be completed at the same weight.

Photo: Mel started with us in February and has been one of our most consistent members since. Her effort levels and willingness to give her best has resulted in rapid improvements across the board. Keep your eyes on this women - exciting times!!!

WOD: Thursday

Advance as far as possible in 20 minutes:
20 Hang Cleans 60/40kg
15 Toes to bar
50 Double-unders
16 Hang Cleans 70/47.5kg
15 Toes to bar
50 Double-unders
12 Hang Cleans 80/55kg
15 Toes to bar
50 Double-unders
8 Hang Cleans 90/62.5kg
15 Toes to bar
50 Double-unders
4 Hang Cleans 100/70kg
15 Toes to bar
50 Double-unders
*Record time if you complete work before 20 minutes.

Photo: It is always great to have Dean train with us during his time off from work. Some friendly rivalry in the Williams household has seen a non official CrossFit scoreboard between Dean, Grant &Danielle. Put in your bets as to who will take the win this month.

WOD: Wednesday

Part A.
Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5

Part B.
Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes:
Run 200m
Max rep wall ball 9/6kg

Photo: Megan is a great example of how positivity and thinking long term can continue to see you progress. Before and throughout Covid Megan worked around an injury, focusing on what she could do rather than what she couldn't.
Today she achieved her first Rxd dips. Awesome work Megan!!

WOD: Tuesday

Five rounds of:
Bent over row 8-10 reps
Dips 8-10 reps
*Manipulate load/difficulty to achieve the rep range. Photo: Nata. This girl can lift, sing, dance and act. What can't she do?

WOD: Monday

AMRAP in 3 minutes:
2 Devils press 22.5/15kg
6 Pull-ups
12 Squats
*Rest 1 minute.
*Repeat for five cycles.

Photo: Deb. Achieving double-unders, personal best front squats, linked strict pull-ups. This lady is on fire!!! Set your goals high - you never know what you can achieve.

WOD: Saturday

Reminder the session is 7:30am- 8:30am.

2 Rounds for time of:
Run 180m
10 Thruster 40/30kg
Run 180m
10 Power clean 40/30kg
Run 180m
10 push Jerk 40/30kg
Run 180m
10 Overhead Squats 40/30kg
Run 180m
10 Snatch 40/30kg

Photo: Kelly. Being a part of Kelly’s progression makes me so proud. Your improving functionality is life changing. This is just the start…

WOD: Friday

A. EMOM x 10:
Gymnastics Pull
*Choose own movement/reps

B. Five round for time of:
30 Sit-ups
30 sec. Plank

Photo: Welcome to Mick. It is great having you with us!!