The WOD's

WOD: Saturday

Come on in for a great workout with Mark B. Please note we are running two sessions today 7:00am-7:45am, and 8:00am-8:45am. To ensure we abide by Covid restrictions please ensure you wait until the 7:00am crew have left.

Time to hit the barbell!!!

Five rounds for time of:
12 Front Squats 60/40kg
12 Bar Facing Burpees
360m Run

*Weight guide: have the ability to do at least the first round of Front Squats unbroken. A squat clean on the first rep will count as one front squat.

Photo: This man went into Covid isolation as a normal man, but came out a rock star. We could all take some inspiration and invest in a headband….

WOD: Friday

AMRAP in 25 minutes:
40m Farmers Carry 2 x 24/16kg KB’s
150m Run
40m Overhead Carry 20/15kg
100 Skip

Photo: I could not be prouder of this amazing women. Kelly has come back fitter and stronger and is looking fabulous!!! Keep up your amazing efforts- you are an inspiration!!

WOD: Thursday

Three rounds for time of:
50 Lunges (weighted anyhow)
40 Ground to overhead
30/20 Hand release Push-ups
*20/15kg plate

Photo: Kim & Andy - 6:30am crew getting it done in the rain and loving it!!!

WOD: Wednesday

We have had a great start to the week seeing so many faces back in the box. If you haven’t trained as hard recently I recommend you turn up and give yourself the week to transition and to rebuild intensity. You’ll be back to yourself very soon you just need to start moving again.
Friendly reminder: During the change over for session times please wait for the previous crew to have left before arriving. This ensure we adhere to social distancing and group number requirement.

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
Run 360m
60 second plank
10 Russian Swings 24/16kg (Increment by 10 reps each round)

WOD: Tuesday

Reminder Mark will be hosting a Nutrition coaching information session via Zoom at 7pm. Check slider bar above for full details.

EMOM X 20 minutes:
Min 1. 10 Dumbbell thrusters 15/10kg, max rep burpees.
Min 2. Rest

*Score: total number of burpees.
You must complete minimum of thrusters to maintain Rxd.

WOD: Monday

It was awesome to kick of our face to facetraining over the weekend and can’t wait to welcome the rest of you back this week.
We are running our full CrossFit schedule and have the carpark ready with new lighting thanks to Tim M @M-Eelec.

Be sure to book in via Mindbody. We have some great sessions planned.

Increment as far as possible in 15mins of:
Power Cleans (40/30kg) (1-2-3-4.. )
Double-unders (10-20-30-40…)

*Power Cleans to be completed in touch and go batches (no dumping of barbell).

WOD: Saturday

We can’t wait to have our community back together for some great training!!

Government guidelines mean we are limited to 9 people per session so book ins are now required. If you have not yet registered for Mindbody please contact Marie asap.

Saturday Workout:
Decreasing ladder of:
Deadball over the shoulder (10-1reps)
Run 3 x 15m shuttle runs
Squats (30-3 reps)
Run 3 x 15m shuttle runs Sunday partner workout:
In groups of three complete as many burpees as possible in 20minutes:
Max burpees
100m single arm kettlebell carry
360m run.
*1 partner on each station. Rotate when all members have completed their task.
*Score: Total team reps of burpees.

Photo: Our selfie Zoom series -Nata, Kim & pups (no Mark ☹️). Mark & Kim joined our community in 2013 with Nata joining us from her 13th birthday. We could write a book on their individual accomishments and yet you will not meet a more beautiful, humble family. They are my benchmark on what family is about and inspire me and so many on so many levels. We love you guys. Thank you for your ongoing friendship and love.

WOD: Friday

Thanks for those that have returned equipment. There is still a lot to come back, please ensure all equipment is returned asap so that we all have gear to train with.

Run/Row/SKip/Bike 2 minutes.

Cycle through 4 minutes:
2 x Bow & Bend>Inch worm>Push-up>Inch worm>Squat raise x2 (please watch video)
High Knees/Boots to Glutes

Skill- Handstand progression
Donkey Kicks
Wall Climbs + Hold
Handstand kick ups to wall
Handstand holds against wall (10 seconds)

Donkey kicks
Wall walks & hold

Increment as far as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Push-ups
10 Sit-ups
15 Squats
then, Run 200m

*Complete 1 round of 5,10,15, then run. Complete 2 rounds of 5,10,15, then run. , 3 rounds of 5,10,15 , then run.

Option 2:
Increment as far as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
then , Run 200m

Score is total rounds completed eg, going for 8 rounds and complete 7rds +10 Push-ups/8 rounds.

Photo: This is what 30 years of love and happiness is about… Mike forcing Chrissie to do love heart hands after a Zoom WOD. Happy 30th anniversary!!!

WOD: Thursday

Only 3 days until we move CrossFit outside. Please return all borrowed equipment by Thursday (unless otherwise arranged).

3 rounds alternating beween:
5 x 10m Shuttle Runs &
5 x Sit & Reach
5 x Jumps Squats
5 x Sprawl
5 x Reverse Lunge

*Work skills/technique and build in weight:
Toe to bar
Clean & Jerk

Work mini round of:
5 x T2B/T2KB, C&J, Burpee box jump over

AMRAP in 3-6-9 minutes of:
20 Toes to bar/Toes to Kettlebell
15 Clean & Jerk
10 Burpee box jump overs

Rest 3 minutes between cycles.

Notes: This is designed to be a max effort sprint on each cycle followed by sufficient rest.
*Start each round from T2B. Record completed repetitions for each cycle and overall grand tally.

*Barbell: Choose weight that allows for touch & go sets.
*Dumbbell Clean & Jerk (Alternating)
*Kettlebell double handed snatch or swings

For those that have returned weights (thank you)- Jumping lunges.

Photo: Danielle mid pull-up. Thanks to her personal photographer @GrantWilliamsphotography
Danielle has smashed this week achieving 20 unbroken perfect push-ups, pistol squats and more. Awesome work!!!

WOD: Wednesday

Only 4 days until we get to see your smiling faces (Saturday). Please be sure to book in via Mindbody. We will add sessions to suit demand.

Run/Row/Skip/Bike 2 minutes

Then choose an option based upon your selected movement for the workout.

Option 1: (Pull-up version)
2 x 3 Kip Swing > Pull-ups>Pull-ups
Hollow hold pulse x 5
Superman pulse x 5

Option 2: (Burpee version)

EMOM x 30 minutes
Hollow hold pulse x 5
Superman pulse x 5

2 x mini rounds of:
6 x 10m shuttle run>15sec plank>5 Pull-ups or Burpees

EMOM x 30 minutes:
Min 1. Run/Row 200m
Min 2. Rest
Min 3. 60sec Plank Hold
Min 4. Rest
Min 5. Max repetitions Pull-ups or Burpees
Min 6. Rest

*Record total repetitions of Pull-ups or burpees.

*Choose option based upon equipment available.

Photo: Our selfie series- Deb & Chris M rocking the Zoom workouts. How many 58 year old women do you know that can complete 20 CrossFit standard push-ups and strict pull-ups? This women never ceases to amaze me with her dedication towards self improvement.